(Washington Composite Electric) The United States White House said to China's replacement of foreign ministers that this is the internal affairs of China and does not affect Sino -US relations.U.S. Secretary of State Brills stated that he hopes to cooperate well with the new Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi.

China announced on Tuesday (July 25) that the former foreign minister Qin Gang was exempted by the veteran Wang Yi.In this regard, Brinken said on Wednesday (26th) in the South Pacific Island country Tangjia: "I have known Wang Yi for more than 10 years. I look forward to cooperating with him like him."

Brinken said that Qin Gang is a "sovereign decision" in China and emphasized that it is important to operate bilateral relations in the United States and China in a responsible manner.He said: "From the beginning of diplomacy and contact, no matter who Chinese foreign ministers are, I will cooperate with him."

The day before, the White House spokesman Jean-Pierre was asked at a regular press conference and whether China replaced foreign ministers will affect US-China relations: "This is internal affairs in China ... the United States is committedCommunication channels to prevent any misunderstanding and misjudgment, so this will not change anything. "

The US State Department spokesman Patt emphasized the same day: "We will continue to contact Wang Yi and other Chinese officials, and we still think that maintaining communication channels is extremely important." As for Bolling Kenya, will he invite Wang Yi to visit the United States, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, PayaTell said that any visit to the United States will be announced by China.

Matsuna Matsuna, Secretary -General of Japan, also said on Wednesday that he hopes to communicate closely with Chinese officials including Wang Yi.He pointed out: "Japan and China work together to establish a constructive and stable relationship, which is very important."

Brincken is the first US Secretary of State visiting Tonga. He attended the completion ceremony of the US Embassy in the United States and warned China's "problem behavior" in the Pacific region of India.

Brinkens: Conversion of China ’s influence that the United States is strengthening the existence of diplomacy in Pacific

The United States is strengthening the existence of diplomacy in the Pacific to counter China ’s influence in this region.Brinken said that the United States does not oppose China and Pacific Island countries to increase economic and trade cooperation, but these investment must be transparent and make financing in a sustainable manner.He said that China involves "some predatory economic activities, and some investment methods may actually destroy good governance and promote corruption."

In addition, the US Minister of Commerce Raymond said that she still intends to visit China.Microsoft was previously called Chinese hacker invaded the US government agency email , including Raymond's mailbox.

Raymond said on Tuesday: "I still plan to come to China later this summer, and we are still finalizing the date and itinerary." She pointed out that the United States needs to do business as much as possible with China and protect the United States at the same time.Interests, and she played a role in both aspects.

The results of the US Senate on Tuesday with 91 votes and six votes opposed through the Amendment of the National Defense Authorization Law, stipulating that when investing in semiconductors and artificial intelligence in China and other US -concerned countries in China, it is necessary to notify federal agencies when investingEssence

Democratic Senator Kaisi, a Democratic Senator who proposed amendments, said: "We need this kind of notification of foreign investment to understand how many key technologies we have transferred to our opponents through these capital flows. With this information, we can start to startControl your economic future. "