(Moscow Road Power Power) voted for the lower house of the Russian Parliament to increase the maximum age of men's enlistment from 27 to 30, which will increase the number of young people who must take one year of volunteers.

The new law passed on Wednesday (July 26) of the Russian Parliament will take effect in January next year.This means that men must serve for one year between 18 and 30 years old, or receive equivalent training in higher education institutions.The current service age is 18 to 27 years old.


New Law also stipulates that men who have received service orders are forbidden to leave Russia.In April, the parliament has been legislated and allows the Ministry of Defense to issue a notice of service through the Internet, and does not have to submit it to the hands of the service.

Russia announced the plan last year to increase the number of professional soldiers and service in service by more than 30%to 1.5 million.

For a long time, the compulsory military service has been a sensitive issue in Russia. Many men do their best to avoid receiving recruitment documents during the twice annual recruitment.According to law, the Ministry of National Defense cannot deploy compulsory soldiers to fight overseas.