(Bloomberg, New York) July 27th is the 70th anniversary of North Korea's truce on the peninsula.Experts point out that North Korea, which has been helped by the Soviet Union, has relying on Russia's support to enrich the empty national treasury.

Satellite images show that at the end of 2022, the two countries resumed the railway line that interrupted for nearly three years, and the cargo ship closed the respondent, allowing experts to see the clue of North Korea's opaque economy.These signs show that North Korean leader Kim Jong -un found a new method to fill his exhaustion of the treasury.

After the signing of the Agreement Agreement on July 27, 1953, Kim Jong -un's grandfather Kim Il Sung established the North Korean economy with the support of the Soviet Union; 70 years later, North Korea must thank Russia again.

Russia has resumed petroleum to North Korea for the first time since 2020

The United Nations pointed out last month that Russia resumed oil for the first time since 2020.Previously, grain transportation had restarted.The U.S. government and independent analysts also determined that there are a large amount of ammunition in North Korea.

With the recovery of trade in North Korea and China and income from cybercrime, Russia's aid has kept the economy and allowed Kim Jong -un to continue to ignore the sanctions from the international community.

Rachel Mingyong Lee, the regional issue of the "Open Nuclear Network" headquartered in Vienna, said: "North Korea can always find the way of survival ... there is no sign that it will return to the verification negotiation quickly."

The United Nations has forbidden North Korea to ban the sale of weapons for 15 years, and North Korea has also denied that it provides weapons to Russia.However, the US White House quoted evidence last December that North Korea delivered the first batch of weapons to the mercenary group Wagner for their use in Ukraine, including infantry rockets and missiles.

North Korea has Russia or want 152 mm shells

The US Think Tank "Jameston Foundation" research team said that one item that North Korea owns and Russia may want is a 152mm artillery shell.These weapons can be used in conjunction with weapons of the Soviet era.

The co -author and weapon expert of the North Korean armed forces, Olims, believes that North Korea may seize this opportunity and sell some inventory at high prices.

According to the calculation of Bloomberg, if North Korea sells shells at a price of $ 1,000 (about S $ 1330) each, the sale of 250,000 shells will receive an income equivalent to about 1 % of its GDP (GDP).Essence

North Korea ’s northern person Jiang Meizhen now runs a company in South Korea. She quoted contacts and said that Russian sugar has entered the Korean market in recent months.

There are also signs that after the termination of crown disease prevention measures, the railway line is reopening, and China and North Korean border cities Dandong and Xinyizhou resumed traffic exchanges.

South Korea's subordinates said to Daily NK, the Internet media in the DPRK, that according to the source, the length of the freight train has increased.

According to the reports issued by experts Herpel and Hayes, a pipeline between the two cities may be transferred up to 750,000 tons (5.5 million barrels) of oil each year.