The White House expressed his expectations for the news brought back from Beijing's former Secretary of State Kissinger, and he regretted that some of the current US senior officials could not be done to Kissinger's visit to Beijing.

Reuters reported that the White House knew about Kissinger's visit to China, but emphasized that this was a private visit conducted by a U.S. citizen.

Kissinger was the founder of the normalization of US -China relations in the 1970s. He served as former US President Nixon and Ford's Secretary of State and National Security Consultant.When Washington and Beijing worked hard to repair the tension, the Chinese official met with this "old friend" at the Diaoyutai State Guest House on Thursday (July 20).

Kissinger, who is already 100 -year -old, has held talks with members of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee Office and the Minister of Defense Li Shangfu.During the Shangri -La dialogue held in Singapore last month, Li Shangfu refused to talk to the US Secretary of Defense Austin.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe said on Thursday that a campaign was unfortunately a citizen could meet with the Chinese defense ministers, but the US defense chief could not do so.

Kobe said: "This is a problem we want to solve. This is why we continue to work hard to restore the military communication channels of both sides, otherwise the risk of misjudging will be high when the official trend is high." Kobe said that U.S. government officials "look forward to listening to the news brought back by Kisins, understand what he has seen and hes and hears, and his views.

Due to the problems of Ukrainian war, Taiwan and trade restrictions, the tension between the two largest economies in the world has continued to intensify.

Before Kissinger visited China, US Secretary of State Brillin, Minister of Finance Yellen, and Climate Special Envoy Ceri visited China.

U.S. President Biden said in June that he hopes to meet with official Chinese officials in the next few months.Some officials hope that this Twenty Group (G20) summit held in September in September, or the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit held in San Francisco, USA in November.