(Washington Composite Electric) The US White House expressed expectations of the news brought back from Beijing's former Secretary of State Kissinger, but also regretted that Kissinger could visit Beijing and some current US senior officials could not visit China.

Kissinger was the founder of the normalization of Sino -US relations in the 1970s, and was a former president Nixon and Ford's Secretary of State and National Security Consultant. China official Thursday (July 20) warmly welcomed this "old friend of China" to visit .

The 100-year-old Kissinger is also A href = "About:/News/China/Story20230718-1415193" R = NOFOLOW TARGET = _Blank> Minister of Defense Li Shangfu .Previously, the Chinese government refused to let Li Shangfu talk directly with the US defense Austin.

In September 2018, the US State Department included Li Shangfu, the Minister of Equipment Development of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China on the sanctions list because Li Shangfu had participated in China to buy fighter jets and air defense systems from Russia.After Li Shangfu was promoted to the Secretary of the Defense in March this year, the United States did not remove him from the sanctions list.The Chinese side hopes that the United States will terminate sanctions to let the two countries' defense ministers talk.

The White House knows about Kissinger's visit to China.Kobe, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, said on Thursday that U.S. government officials are looking forward to listening to the news brought back by Kisinger and understanding what he has seen, heard, and obtained.

However, Cerbin also talked to a US citizen to meet with the Chinese defense chief, but the US defense chief could not do so, and he was a pity."This is the problem we want to solve. This is why we continue to work hard to re -open the military communication line, otherwise the risk of misjudgment will be high when the official situation is high."

Washington has recently tried to re -establish communication channels with Beijing through high -profile diplomatic visits.US President's Special Envoy Cry on Wednesday (19th) talks about climate change in China and the United States , href = "About:/News/China/Story20230714-1413995" R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Secretary of State Brillin visited Beijing last month.

Some Republican councilors: US senior officials actively contact China as "weak" performance

At the same time, the China House of Representatives China Issues Special Committee held a hearing on Thursday to conduct fierce debate on how to properly handle bilateral relations between China and the United States.At the meeting, some Republican councilors believed that senior US officials have recently actively contacted Chinese high -level high -level performances as a "weak" manifestation.

Chairman of the China House of Representatives Special Committee and Republican Republican member Mike Gallagher criticized the Bayeon administration to conduct "Zombie Engagement" with Beijing, and questioned that the Bayeon administration was in order to promote high -level interaction.Stop resist China's aggression.

Garrat pointed out that after the Chinese spy balloon incident in February this year, the Bayeon government seemed to have shifted the focus of policies against China and began to strive for dialogue with Chinese officials."Good policy is stuck in cross -departmental procedures ... it becomes a victim of the altar on the altar of‘ zombie contact policy ’.”

Democratic lawmakers believe that China and the United States are time to dialogue.Democratic party members of the committee, Federal Republic of Massachusetts, Jake AUCHINCLOSS told the United States that negotiation with China is a long -lasting process, and will not see the results of the immediate results after several meetings.