(Washington Composite Electric) According to reports, the hacker gang related to Beijing invaded the email account of the US ambassador to China, Burns, and others.vent.

On Thursday (July 20), the Wall Street Journal quoted people familiar with the matter that in the online spy activity disclosed earlier this month, Microsoft, the US State Department East Asia and Pacific Affairs Assistant Secretary of State Kangda's email accountIt was also invaded.So far, only three senior officials in the United States have announced that they have been killed, and they are Bernus, Kangda and US Secretary of Commerce Raymond.

People familiar with the matter revealed that the number of US officials' emails penetrated is only roughly estimated, and there may be more real numbers.An informed person said that in the hacking attack, the account of US Secretary of State Broskented and his high -level consultants did not seem to be directly penetrated.On the contrary, hackers seem to focus on minority senior officials responsible for managing Sino -US relations.

Kangda accompanied Brinken to visit China last month. He, Berns and Brinken, with Chinese high-level officials and China's official meeting .

The Wall Street Journal pointed out that some US officials described that hackers invading this time are as targeted as "surgery", that is, it is targeted at a few more valuable officials.

The scale of this hacker operation is not completely clear, but from the emails of Berns and Kangda, hackers may have a deep understanding of the recent series of plans for senior US officials to visit China, and US officials in the United States' policies against Chinese policies in the United States.Internal dialogue.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States: Resolutely oppose and continue to fight against network attacks

The U.S. State Department refused to disclose any details and only said that the investigation continued.Liu Pengyu, a Chinese embassy in the United States, replied to Reuters via email, saying that China's consistent position is "resolutely opposed and continued to fight any form of cyber attacks and Internet theft."

Liu Pengyu said that the source of identification of network attacks is a very complicated technical work, but hopes that the relevant Fang will adhere to the professional treatment, rather than creating "unprooped speculation and allegations."

Microsoft said on July 14 that Chinese hackers used "a verification error in Microsoft code" to steal emails from US government agencies and other customers, but did not explain how hackers obtained Microsoft's digital keys.

National Security Agency: Microsoft Cloud Services is a typical spy threat by hackers

Joyce, director of the US National Security Agency, said that Microsoft Cloud Services was hacked and leaked by the US government email, which is a typical traditional spy threat;The country that is the enemy will continue to try to secretly dig the other party's information.

Joyce said in the Aspeng Security Forum held in Washington on Thursday: "This is China is engaged in spy activities ... We need defense and counterattack, but this situation will always happen."

Microsoft President Smith, who attended the Security Forum on the same day, said that the Internet attack reflected that hackers have become increasingly mature.But both said that this incident was not so worrying compared to another larger hacker invasion incident exposed in May this year.There were more than 25 U.S. institutions in the last incident, including the email accounts of at least two government agencies were invaded by hackers related to the Chinese government.