The Black Sea is also the place where Russia is a major oil pier. There are more than 500,000 barrels of crude oil every day exported through NOVOROSSISK, where it is also an important trade port of fertilizers, grains and coal.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has not stated what actions will take to the Black Sea vessels.It announced through social media on Friday that the Russian Navy performed real bombs in a training area in the northwest of the Black Sea.During the training, a warship fired a cruise missile to the target vessel and destroyed it.

The Ministry of National Defense said that the Russian Navy and the Air Force also "drills to isolate the areas that temporarily prohibit sailing, and take a series of measures to enclose illegal vessels."

The United States previously quoted intelligence warnings that Russia considers attacking civilian vessels in the Black Sea and pushed responsibilities to the Ukrainian army.But the Russian ambassador to the United States Antonov said on Thursday that the United States's statement is purely fabricated.He said in social media: "The United States tries to cover up its destruction activities in various ways to specifically destroy the implementation of the Istanbul agreement."

Analysis: U -Russia listed the Black Sea vessels as a military target but Russia did not intend to expand the war.

Although both U.S. Russia listed the Black Sea vessels as a military goal, defense analysts predict that Russia does not want to expand the war.The hostile operation of the Black Sea will not be obviously upgraded for the time being.Kobshar, a researcher at the Royal United Three Army Institute of London, pointed out: "Russia's primary goal is to weaken the Ukrainian economy.

Analysts also pointed out that Ukraine recently used the maritime drone to attack the Crimea Ayama Red Strait Bridge, indicating that it had extended the tentacles to the Black Sea, but it was difficult to have other actions besides interfering with Russian ships.

Analysts say that Moscow believes that it can push up insurance premiums by threatening the commercial shipping in Ukraine, hoping that financial issues will promote the interruption of food transportation, thereby forcing the West to concessions to some sanctions in Russia's trade.

At the time of the Ukraine's warning of the Black Sea shipping, the Russian army bombarded Nicholaev and Odessa's port of Ukraine.The Wu Kong Army stated that the Russian Army fired 19 missiles and 19 drones.

At the same time, the White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe confirmed on Thursday that the Ukraine is "effective" using a bundle bomb to have an impact on the Russian defense formation and operation.

Bernus, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, quoted information that Ukraine can still make progress on counterattack Russia.He said that there are some major "structural weaknesses" behind the line of defense built by Russia, including low morale, pushing handsome incompetence, and "confusion" of political and military leadership.