(Kiev comprehensive) Ukraine President Zernesky said Ukraine has been ready to launch a counterattack and recapture the territory captured by the Russian army.

Zelei Journal's interview published on Saturday (June 3) on the Wall Street Journal said: "We firmly believe that we will succeed, I don’t know how long it will take. Frankly, there can be many different ways of counterattacks.. We have to counterattack, we are ready. "

Russia now controls large territories in eastern, southern and southeast of Ukraine.Zelei Sky said last month that Ukraine had to wait for more armored vehicles provided by the West to fight back.He has been fighting for Western support through diplomatic efforts to seek more military assistance and weapons.

attending Ukraine Deputy Minister of Defense Havrilov said in an interview with Reuters on the sidelines on Saturday that although in recent weeks Missile and drone attacks by Russia by Russia , Ukraine's counterattacks will be performed as planned.

He said that the use of ballistic missiles in Russia last month was "the final strategic means", and pointed out that the air defense system provided by Europe and the United States played a great role in the air defense system, which effectively intercepted more than 90 % of the missiles.

Before Russia had invaded, Zerrenzki had been striving to join NATO.However, he admitted that he would join NATO after the war ended with Estonian President Karris that Ukraine would be added after the war was over on Friday (2nd).

Zelei said: "We understand that no NATO country can be involved in this war, so as long as the war continues, we will not become a member of NATO. Not because we don’t want to join, but because this is not this is notPossible. "

Joining NATO means that Ukraine will be protected by Article 5 of NATO's collective defense clauses. It stipulates that once a member country is attacked, other member states must assist in defending.