may acceleIt is more firmly developing the trend of military strength, and China ’s growing strength and export -oriented strategic continuously creating“ strategic climate ”are the main long -term challenges faced by existing international order, especially in the Asia -Pacific region.

Scholars at the Institute of International Strategy in the United Kingdom pointed out that although the Russia -Ukraine War is different from that of China that may use force, the Russian and Ukraine War reminded people that the risk of unreasonable aggression does exist, which deepened people to the Asia -Pacific regionSimilar concerns may also occur.However, there is no evidence that the Russian and Ukraine War has changed China ’s idea of a timetable or method that may unify Taiwan.

The British Institute of International Strategy's Institute of International Strategy issued the 2023 Asia -Pacific Safety Assessment Report during the 2023 Asia -Pacific Safety Evaluation Report on Friday (June 2).The report mentioned that the US military leader claimed that China might move martial arts in Taiwan in the next few years, but the US statement does not seem to be based on exact intelligence, but because they will have the evaluation of military capabilities of China.


Report also said that Japan pays more and more attention to strategic challenges from China, and keeps Taiwan security with Japan's own security.This means that regional countries may accelerate the process of military expenditure and military power; at the same time, Western countries are also re -examining their ways to respond to China in the Asia -Pacific region.

New Zealand Defense Siren: Increasing strategic and nuclear martial arts in the Indo -Pacific region may have a huge risk of misjudgment

The New Zealand Minister of Defense Litt pointed out at a symposium in the incense association to discuss nuclear weapons and regional security that the intensified geopolitical competition in Indo -Pacific region may bring huge risks of misjudgment, especially these competitions include nuclear weapons.

He said that more and more people have begun to talk about the possibility of using nuclear weapons, and some Indian countries such as North Korea have increased nuclear reserves, exacerbating people's concerns about the lack of transparency in the actual scale of nuclear weapons inventory.

NATO assistant secretary -general Lapusley agreed to maintain global strategic balance and stability, and nuclear military or nuclear policies must maintain transparency, stability and predictive predictive policies.

Taking China as an example, although Beijing promised to abide by the non -diffusion of nuclear weapons, its nuclear arsenal was actually opaque and the scale expansion was amazing.He quoted data from the US Department of Defense: "By 2035, China's nuclear warhead may double to 1,500, which will break the global strategic balance ... The development of nuclear weapons in China, North Korea, and Iran not only attracts regional attention, but also caused regional attention, but also caused regional regions outside the region.The country pays great attention, because it will bring major threats and risks to the world. "

US Intelligence Director: Challenges brings challenges in the evaluation of ChatGPT and other generation AI

At another symposium on the topic of "the security of the Internet and technology competition", the US National Intelligence Director Hayins discussed the challenges that the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI).

She said that the United States is still evaluating the challenges that may bring about generatory AI such as ChatGPT, including understanding the impact of these technologies on the overall society and potential impact on labor.US officials are also paying attention to fake information, DeepFakes technology, etc., which may pose a threat to national security.

Hanes believes that the United States and China should maintain communication in responding to the security issues brought by technology such as AI.As for how to promote the cooperation between China and the United States in this regard, she said: "The United States should talk to China and other countries to understand where the problem is, and how to deal with it."