(New Delhi Comprehensive Electric) India's most serious train derailment accident over the past 20 years has caused at least 288 people to die and nearly 900 people injured.

The tragedy occurred in Odisha, eastern India.Some local officials said that around 7 pm on Friday (June 2) (9:30 on Singapore on the evening of Singapore), a passenger train from Kolkata to Chennai in a column wasThe railway station was derailed, and more than 10 cars were scattered around, and some compartments fell on the reverse track.

Following, a row of passenger trains driven by Bengaluro to Kolkata drove from the reverse rail and hit the derailed carriage on the railway. As a result, several cars were also derailed.

Due to the confusion of the situation, until the deadline, which column of the two trains is derailed and collided with another column, there are still different opinions, and there is even a saying that it involves the third train.The official situation was not determined, and the investigation of the Indian Railway Department was still underway.

It is certain that this accident leads to catastrophic consequences, and life casualties are very serious.According to Indian media, this is the worst train accident in India this century.

Survivor: A dozen people can be able to live on their bodies, very lucky

Passengers who escaped the death robbery described to the media to describe the experience and the scene.

A survivor told Reuters that the violent impact of the train derailment woke him up from his dream, and about 10 to 15 people pressed him on him at that time."It is very lucky to be able to live from a pile."

A man said: "Some of the size of a family are dead, and the corpses of hand and feet are broken everywhere on the railway ..."

Another person also said, "I climbed out of the train and saw the broken limbs around me. Here one foot and one hand there."

Local officials say that the number of dead injuries may rise.There were more than 100 ambulances and more than 100 doctors to the scene, and the military also sent people to the scene to assist in search and rescue and evacuate survivors.

Because the Indian train's ticket purchase system does not adopt a real -name system, the official cannot determine how many passengers have a total of two passenger trains on the incident.

This accident also affects local train services, with at least 51 train diversion, cancellation or suspension.

India's railway facilities have disrupted for a long time, trains derailment and collision accidents frequently.The worst one occurred in 1981. At that time, a series of serious overloaded passenger trains in Bighar fell into the river and fell into the river, causing nearly 800 people to die.A freight train derailment occurred in November last year, which killed three people and injured many people.

After this tragic disaster, Indian President Mulu and Prime Minister Modi both mourned the victims.The chief minister of Audishabang announced that Saturday was a national mourning day.

The Minister of Railways in India rushed to the scene on Friday night and announced that it would provide a compensation of the 1 million rupee (about S $ 16206) for each victim.Essence