The U.S. Senate obtained sufficient votes to avoid the first US debt default by suspension of the US federal debt limit bill.

The New York Times reported that the United States Senate on Thursday (June 1) in the evening (Singapore time morning), voting for the suspension of US $ 3.1.4 trillion (approximately S $ 42.3 trillion) federal debt limit bill, in favor of 63 votes, 36 votes, 36 votesOpposition voting results are passed.

US President Biden said the cross -party agreement was a great victory for the US economy.Biden said: I look forward to signing the bill as a law as soon as possible, and speak to the American people on Friday.

Biden also expressed his gratitude to the Senate leader Shu Mo and a minority leader McConnell quickly passed the bill.

Among the 100 seats in the Senate, the suspension of the debt limit bill must be obtained by obtaining 60 support votes to pass.The House of Representatives has passed the bill on Wednesday, and now only needs to sign the effect.

The White House in the United States said that Biden would speak to the whole country at 7 pm on Friday, Eastern Time (Saturday time at 7 am).

U.S. Financial Minister Yellen recently warned that the Ministry of Finance predicts that if the debt limit cannot be raised or suspended as soon as possible, the Ministry of Finance will exhaust the funds by June 5, causing catastrophic debt defaults.

According to the agreement reached by Biden and McCarthy, the United States will suspend US $ 3.14 trillion in debt limit to January 1, 2025. At the same time, the budget expenditure of 2024 and 2025 is limited.The government will also recover the unused funds for crown disease epidemic, speed up the approval procedures of some energy projects, and improve the work requirements for some food subsidies.The non -national defense budget expenditure in fiscal year was basically unchanged, and the fiscal year in 2025 increased by 1%.