(Brussels Bloomberg) The United States and the European Union agrees that their relationship with Beijing must be "risky", but it is still impossible to achieve consistent specific measures for how to slow down China's rise and restriction of Chinese trade coercion.

The United States -EU Trade and Technology Commission has recently held a meeting in Lulio, Sweden. U.S. officials originally hoped that the European Union could agree with the United States to adopt a new mechanism to control the investment in overseas markets such as China.However, the joint statement issued after the U.S. and Europe did not mention China.

Bloomberg reported that, as a whole, the relationship between the United States and the European Union has recently been more harmonious, but neither parties have failed to get what they want at the meeting.Brussels did not promise to Washington to increase China's technological development; Washington did not commit promise to Brussels to accelerate the common standards for the United States and Europe's clean technology and other trade facilitation measures.

Although Europe and the United States did not declare the name of China after the meeting, the insider revealed that in private exchanges, the participants mentioned China many times."https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/world/story20230520-1396567" R = nofollow target = _blank> economic coercion measures and so on.

U.S. officials have publicly adopted the European Union Commission President Feng Delin's policy on China last month, echoing her "de -risk" that is not the same as "decoupling" with China.

Although EU officials are cautious about China in public talks, Europe's views on China are obviously changing, especially after Russia invaded Ukraine.

Swedish Prime Minister Cristeson said on Tuesday (May 30) at a joint press conference: "I think the United States has been a few years faster than Europe in this subject, but many countries now realize that they cannot be naive. I can no longer be naive.I noticed that the two parties started to converge, I cherish this very much. "

EUBRovskis Vice Chairman Dongbrovskis also mentioned that the European Union must "more effectively cope with the economic coercion of non -market economies."

The European Union will complete the risk assessment brought about by China's rise next month to determine what mechanism must be adopted to cope with these risks.It is unclear whether the EU will criticize China in risk assessment or economic strategy.