(Singapore / Washington Composite Electric) The United States, Japan and South Korea planned to launch a real -time information sharing mechanism this year to enhance the ability of the Three Kingdoms to detect North Korea's missile launch.


Minister of National Defense Li Zhongzheng revealed after the meeting: "We will actively implement agreements reached by the United States, South Korea and Japan to further improve the level of security cooperation in the Three Kingdoms."

In order to share the North Korean missile early warning information in real time, the three parties agreed to connect the information sharing system currently operating between South Korea, the United States and the United States, and the United States and Japan, and conduct work consultations to strive to officially launch the new system within this year.

North Korea launched a satellite launch on May 31.At the end of the failure, the United Nations Security Council held a meeting on Friday (2nd) at the request of the United States and the European Union.The United States pointed out that North Korea's satellite launch uses ballistic missile technology to violate many resolutions in the Security Council.

China and Russia refuse to condemn North Korea in the United Nations

The diplomat of the United Nations Ambassador Wood said at the meeting: "We call on all members of the Security Council to maintain the reputation of the Security Council, condemn this illegal behavior with us, and urge North Korea not to continue the planned plan.Threats international peace and security launch. "

However, Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the United Nations in the United Nations, pointed out that North Korea has "reasonable and safe concerns". The Security Council should promote the tension to cool down, instead of pointing the spearhead to a certain side.

Geng Shuang and Russia's deputy ambassador to the United Nations Yafstineva also criticized The United States and South Korea conducted joint military exercises , which exacerbated the tension between the Korean Peninsula.

Woods came to power again after Geng Shuang's speech: "Chinese representatives have never condemned North Korea's launch at any time."

In this regard, Geng Shuang responded that it was necessary to have a real dialogue on North Korea's concerns.He said: "The United States has always said that the diplomatic door is open, but at the same time, they continue to launch military activities on the Korean Peninsula and surrounding areas."

The current chairman of the Security Council and the UAE ambassador Nu Saibei pointed out that North Korea used to launch a satellite.Send a warning .But Nussebe said: "This type of warning will neither legalize the launch nor reduces its illegality."