China Defense Minister Li Shangfu and the US Secretary of Defense Austin on Friday (June 2) attended Shangri -La Dialogue Welcome dinner. The two were arranged at the same table and shook hands briefly during the period.

On -site video shows that when the two met, they smiled and shook hands and greeted. Li Shangfu said to Austin through the translation next to him: "I am glad to meet you, Minister Austin."

Austin responded: "I'm glad to see you."

After the two shook hands, Austin sat in his seat.

The U.S. Department of Defense issued a statement on the same day that the two had only a brief conversation.> No "substantial communication" .

Pat Ryder, a spokesman for the Pentagon, said: "The Ministry of National Defense believes that the military communication channels that should be opened with China should continue to seek meaningful discussions between the two armies at multiple levels to negativeManage this relationship responsible. "

At the incense party dinner, Li Shangfu and Austin sat with the first VIP tables. The same table was the Singapore Acting Prime Minister Huang Xuncai, the Indonesian Defense Specialist Plabovo, and Australian Prime Minister Albanis.

Earlier on Friday, Huang Xuncai held a joint press conference with Albanis, which was visiting Singapore. Some Australian media refused to meet with Li Shangfu with Austin and asked the two leaders' opinions.

Huang Xuncai pointed out at the time that Yaxian's attention to the tension between China and the United States also clearly showed the attention of regional security."Every country in Asia does not want to be forced to choose the side station. No one wants to be in such a situation -either to curb the rise of China or restrict the existence of the United States ... (in) Asia is detrimental, no one wants to see the new Cold War."He said that Ya'an's view of regional and security cooperation was to formulate open and inclusive cooperation frameworks.Through the core forum with Asia's Da'an as the core, such as the ADMM-Plus of the Asian Gabiaga Eighth Defense (ADMM-Plus), the Asumi Forum, etc., continue to promote contact with all parties.Huang Xuncai said that Asianan also welcomes other security cooperation structures, such as the US -Japanese -Japanese Sifang Safe Security Dialogue (QUAD) and AUKUS, but provided that they support the core position of Ayanan and abide by the rules of international law.Albanis pointed out that the United States and China Defense Minister attended incense." DialogP>