(Washington Composite Electric) The US Senate obtained sufficient votes. By suspending the U.S. debt limit bill, the United States is avoided in the United States falling into Debt Debtic Crisis.President Bynden said this is a major victory of the US economy and the American people, and he will sign the bill as soon as possible.

In order to allow the debt limit bill to pass the debt limit before the last period of the default next Monday (June 5), the US Senate and Time Racing will finally be approved by 63 voting and 36 voting opposition on Thursday (1st).Pass the end of the tension negotiation for a few weeks.

This is the 103rd debt limit of the US Congress since the end of World War II.At present, the scale of US federal debt is about 310,000 US dollars (approximately S $ 423 billion), accounting for more than 120%of the GDP (GDP), which is equivalent to US $ 94,000 per American liabilities.

Before the Senate voted, some members proposed 11 amendments, and they were rejected one by one, and then successfully negotiated the bill of negotiation with the Republican House of Representatives McCar's council.The House of Representatives passed the bill a day ago, and now the bill will be sent to Biden to sign it in order to take effect before the last period of the next Monday.

Bynden issued a statement on Thursday to praise Congress to act in time to avoid US debt defaults, and said that the agreement reached with Congress, "remind us that everything is possible when acting for the country's maximum interests."

Bynden also expressed his gratitude to the Senate leader Shu Mo and a minority leader McConnell quickly passed the bill."I look forward to signing the bill as a law as soon as possible, and speak to the American people on Friday."

Sub -party leader and Democratic party, Shu Mo, said after passing the bill: "We avoid debt default tonight, and the United States can finally breathe."

However, the Senate Republican leader McConal said that the Republican and the Democratic Party had to debate for the budget."In the next few months, Republicans will continue to be committed to controlling Democrats without restrained expenses."

According to the agreement reached by Biden and McCarthy, the United States will suspend US $ 3.1.4 trillion in debt limit to January 1, 2025. At the same time, the budget expenditure in 2024 and 2025Essence

The government will also take back the unused funds for crown disease epidemic, accelerate the approval procedures of some energy projects, and improve work requirements for some food subsidies.The non -national defense budget expenditure in fiscal year was basically unchanged, and the fiscal year in 2025 increased by 1%.

The US Treasury Minister Yellen issued a statement on Thursday emphasized again that the reputation of the United States must not be used as a bargaining chip.Yellen had previously warned that if Congress did not immediately raise the debt limit, The United States may face ""The constitutional crisis ", the government also swept credit, and the state was in a financial and economic disaster.

The upper limit of debt is the highest amount set by the US Congress for the federal government to fulfill its payment obligations.The U.S. government has reached a debt limit of $ 31.4 trillion on January 19 this year.According to statistics from relevant US Congress, since 2001, Congress has adjusted more than 20 debt limit.