Jimu Journalist Li Lili

The US President Biden fell again. This time, it was in the eyes of the public.Even more unlucky was that he got off the plane and hit his head again.

According to the BBC report on June 2, on June 1, local time, Bayeng fell a big heel when Bayeng issued a graduation certificate to the student at the graduation certificate of the American Air Force Academy in Colorado.

At that time, he had stood on the stage for about an hour and a half to shake hands with each graduate one by one.When he was about to leave the stage, he suddenly fell, and there was a shock from the scene.

Picture source: Agence France -Presse

The video showed that after Biden fell, he tried to stand up by himself, but did not succeed. Finally, with the help of an air force official and two agents, he stood up again.Subsequently, he pointed to the back of the body and seemed to be talking about something there.

The White House press conference stated that when Biden moved on the stage, he was tripped by a black sandbag.It is said that this sandbag is used to support him.

Yes, in addition to the age of Biden, Mr. Biden is not easy to fall, and his memory is not good. He has been photographed to peek at a small copy or litter on many occasions.After Biden fell, he didn't accept any questions and returned to the plane.

The White House press secretary Kalin Middot; Middot; Pierre said that Mr. President felt completely okay. When boarding the plane, a bright smile flashed on his face.

Unfortunately, Bayeng had another situation when he got off the plane.

According to a Russian satellite news agency reported on June 2, Biden returned from Colorado to the White House from Colorado, and helicopter landed on the White House lawn. He hit his head during the helicopter.

The White House reporter group said: When he was down the helicopter, he hit the door.

Biden, 80, is the oldest president in American history.Earlier, he was tripped or fell more than once, and he had been inexplicably lost.Recent polls show that most American voters are worried that he is old.If he win, Biden will be 82 years old at the beginning of the second term.

(Source: Polar News)