(Bloomberg, Sydney) Australian Minister of Trade Farier said that China ’s review of 80.5%of the Australian barley has been closely completed, and it is expected to be the next lifting of the ban.

Farrer conducted a "good talks" with the Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao last week. He said that the Australian government hopes that similar censorship procedures will help the restrictions on the export of wine.

China is Australia's largest trading partner, but the relationship between the two countries has become tense due to the traceability of coronary viruses. China implemented trade sanctions on a series of export products in Australia in 2020.Since the Labor Government was elected a year ago, Australian -China relations have improved, and the exports of Chinese coal and wood have been restored.

Farrer showed that although Australian -China economic relations have been increasingly recovered, the Australian government has doubled its efforts to promote a diversified trade policy.He pointed out that since China has levied high tariffs on Australian wine three years ago, the country's wine merchants have been expanding other markets.

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He said in a speech at the Canberra National Journalist Club on Thursday (June 1) that more trade is a key part of Australia to establish a secure and stable economy in the future.In the past few years, Australia has learned "valuable lessons", and he urged Australian companies to promote a diversified plan.

Australia is about to finalize a free trade agreement with the European Union, and also negotiates a wider trade agreement with India.Farier said that if Australia cannot reach an agreement with the European Union, the free trade negotiations between Australia and the European Union will be extended to the middle of the year.

He said that the EU population is 450 million, and the GDP is 24 billion yuan (about S $ 21.2 billion). Reaching a free trade agreement with the EU is the top priority for Australia.He will visit Brussels next week to meet with EU Trade Commissioner Dongbrovskis.