Russian officials have confirmed that at least one Russian helicopter is in Regional crashes ; another Russian officials stated that a total of four fighters in the Russian army crashed.

Reuters reported that Alexander Bogomaz, Governor of Buliangsk, southern Russia, posted on Saturday (May 13) Telegram that a helicopter of the Russian army was about 40 kilometers from the border.Klintsy crashed;

It is currently unclear the casualties of the crew, but Bogomaz revealed that "one woman has been injured and has been sent to the hospital for medical treatment." Another five houses were damaged.

According to previous reports, the engine of the helicopter had caught fire before crashed near Klinqi.

However, another statement issued by Russian -controlled officials is different from Bogomaz.

Vladimir Rogov, a Russian-controlled official in the Uananzhapolo area, said four Russian planes were shot down in the air, including two Mi-8 (MI-8) helicopters made by Russia, one, and one.Su-35 fighters and a Su-34 combat bomber.

Rogov pointed out that the crew members of the helicopter and the Su-34 have been killed, but no more details are provided.

It is reported that several Russian social media have been circulating a few Russian fighter planes crashed in the Bryansk area (Bryansk), and showed that a helicopter was hit after being hit in the air.kilometer.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has not yet commented on these news.

Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said in social media: "Russians are very disturbed today. We (Ukraine) can understand them, missing two fighters and two helicopters."