It was only a week before the Seven -way Group Hiroshima Summit. Many Japanese media reported that in order to resolve the deadlock with the US debt limit, US President Biden may visit Japan at the last moment.For the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida, it will be a big blow. He is afraid that he will be unremittingly exchanged for the layout of Hiroshima Hiroshima in his hometown.

U.S. White House is undergoing a Republicans of the Parliament to raise the upper limit of US debt limits. Bayeng said on May 10 (Wednesday) that the debt limit negotiations are in a deadlock.Participated in the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) summit.

The White House press secretary Pierre said on Thursday: "It is important to prevent debt defaults, and the US economy will always be the top priority." Yellen, the US Treasury Secretary of the G7 Finance Security Conference in Niigata, Japan, also pointed out that "thisIf the problem is not handled well, the United States may lose its global economic leadership. "

US State Department: The current plan has not changed

However, Kyodo News reported that Patt, deputy spokesperson for the US State Department, said at a press conference on Friday that "my understanding is that the plan has not changed as of now."He said that the U.S. State Department continued to coordinate with the Japanese party on the issue of the G7 summit.

Kyodo Society pointed out that if Biden could not come to Japan, the Kishida let the G7 summit gathered in Hiroshima, and expressed the idea of realizing the determination of the "Nuclear Martial Arts World" to turn into a bubble.It is understood that Japan is working hard to coordinate. On the first day of the summit, the G7 leader visited the nuclear explosion of the comfort monument and the costume hall.If it can be achieved, it will be the first time in history that Kishida "will make it a chance to reverse the international situation."

In addition to the inevitable topic of the Ukrainian war at the G7 summit, the theme of the G7 summit also includes China that confirms G7 unity to respond to improving marine activities.France and Germany have recently been pointed out at economic considerations and keep a distance from Japan and the United States in China.Kishida hopes to let the G7 leaders gather in Guangdao and show the scene of unity.If Biden can't come, there will be a heavyweight friend, and the united atmosphere and signal of the G7 will be greatly reduced.

The Xi Journal Fuji pointed out on Friday that next year is the year of the US presidential election. At present, the various efforts of Biden, who are currently declining, focus on seeking re -election. He can only focus on negotiations with Republicans of Congress first.

The journal commented on the "Bayeng's Class G7, Kishida's friends are not here", thinking that Biden could not despise Japan, and it would also allow the outside world to interpret the emphasis on the summit of the summit.

Many years ago, then the US President Clinton also temporarily canceled his domestic well -being to attend the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference due to the domestic well -being budget.

Japan's international problem critics Spring names said, "Kishida visited the United States in January and presented a defense gift. This was a subordinate line for themselves.It is India, the leader of the south of the world. Some people also pointed out that in terms of strategic strategy to Taiwan, the United States has a greater role in judging the Philippines. "

The coming G7 summit, Kishida also invited South Korean President Yin Xiyue to participate, and intends to obtain the recognition of Bayeon's improvement in Japan and South Korea through the talks of Japan, the United States and South Korea.Japanese and Korean diplomatic sources said that "Hope (Bynden) visited Japan to maximize the efforts of Japan and South Korea."