(Kiev's Composite Electric) In the front -line city of Bachurut, the Ukrainian army launched a big offensive to the Russian army, Russia acknowledged that some of its troops have withdrawn from the city.The Russian mercenary summit bluntly stated that this retreat was actually a defeat.

The Ukrainian Army has occupied the high point of the tactical system, Wagner condemned the Russian army for a week

The Russian Ministry of Defense spokesman Konarkov said on Friday (May 12) that the Ukrainian army dispatched more than 1,000 soldiers and 40 tanks to attack Bachmut.He said that the Russian army had repelled the enemy's 26 attacks, but the Russian army in a zone had retreated to a reservoir near the northwest of Bachomut.

Russia's main force in the Backe Battle is the troops of the mercenary organization Wagner Group.The head of this organization Parigen sent an audio and said: "Konatskovu said, unfortunately, it should be called a defeat, not a re -assembly."

He said that the Ukrainian army occupied the highlands overlooking Bachmut and opened the main roads that passed from the west to the city."The enemy has completely broke the road we have blocked ... and they have occupied Bachurut's tactical high point." He also condemned the Russian army to fail to provide supply to the Wagner soldiers' Wagner soldiers in the past week.

The British German Army Aid provides long -range weapon leopard tanks, etc.

I believe this is the largest offensive launched by the Ukrainian army since November last year.A spokesman for the Eastern Military Region in Ukraine announced that in the three -day counterattack operation, the Ukraine regained 17.3 square kilometers of land in the Bachurut region.

Comprehensive reports recently said that the Ukraine was also pushed south of Bachmut, showing that the Ukraine was surrounding the Russian army in Bachomut.

Ukrainian President Zernesky said Russia is ready to defeat."They (Russia) has lost this war psychologically. We must put pressure on them every day and influence their failure into escape, mistakes and loss."

While the Ukraine began to counterattack, Western countries continued to provide more military aid.

The United Kingdom announced on Friday that it will provide Ukraine with a number of "Storm Shadow" cruise missiles, which is the first time that a state has promised to provide long -range weapons to Ukraine.Russia refers to the British decision as "extreme hostility", which will lead to upgrading the situation.

Germany announced on Saturday that provided Ukraine with a total value of 2.7 billion euros (about S $ 3.95 billion), including 30 leopard tanks, more than 200 unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and 18 grenades.This is the largest military aid provided by Germany to Ukraine to this day.

Ukraine has always asked Western allies to provide more and more sophisticated arms, including long -range weapons, jet aircraft and a large number of ammunition to help it launch a big counterattack faster.