(Washington Composite Electric) International Monetary Fund (IMF) said that if US debt defaults, it will have a "serious impact" on the United States and the global economy, and urge the US Democratic Party and Republican Party to reach a consensus on the debt limit as soon as possible.

IMF spokesman Kosak said the potential consequences of US default include rising interest rates and a larger scope of instability.She said that this will make the impact of the past few years, including the crown disease and the Ukrainian war.

Kazak said at a press conference on Thursday (May 11): "The discussion in the United States is conducted in the background of a very difficult global economy. Our assessment is that if the US debt defaults, it will not only be right, but not only right, but not only right, but not only right, but not only right, they are not only right, they are not only right.The United States will have a very serious impact on the global economy. We strongly encourage all parties to the United States to work together, reach consensus, and urgently solve this problem. "

She pointed out that the United States has continued to raise interest rates to many countries, especially those countries that are in debt and economic fragile.

IMF estimates that 15%of low -income countries are in debt dilemma, 45%are facing relevant risks, and the global economic growth in the next five years is expected to be the weakest in more than 30 years.

U.S. President Biden and Congress leaders met again on Friday (12th) to discuss the issue of increasing debt limit.However, the White House announced on Thursday that the meeting will be held next week to allow the negotiating representatives of both parties to have more time to negotiate.

The White House spokesman said on Thursday: "The two sides agreed to meet at the beginning of next week, and the consultation work of the assistants continued."

McCarthy, the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States, told reporters that the extension did not mean that the negotiations had a problem, but he believed that the negotiation representatives of the two sides needed more discussions before the Bidden and Congress leaders met again.

McCarthy said that one of the Congress leaders could not attend the meeting on Friday and said that "the negotiations have not made enough progress", and it is not time to arrange for both parties.

People familiar with the matter revealed that the assistant leaders of the White House and the Republican and Democratic parties have begun to discuss the method of restricting federal expenditure.

U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen had previously warned that even if the United States did not have the "disaster" of debt defaults, the Republican Party used the issue of increasing US debt limit to engage in political marginal policies, which may bring "serious economic costs".

Yellen on Thursday at the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) meeting held in Niigata, Japan, said that debt defaults will threaten the results of the United States' efforts in the recovery of the United States in the past few years, and may trigger the global economic recession, allowing the United States to continuefall back.