A senior official in the United States said that both the United States and China realized that it is necessary to stop focusing on the two superpowers of the United States and China.Realtime/World/Story20230205-1359873 "R = NOFOLOW TARGET = _blank> Suspected Spy Balloon Event , restore normal communication channels to stable relationships.

Reuters reported that the White House National Security Consultant Sha Liwen and Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office Wang Yi on Wednesday and Thursday (May 10th and 11th), Eight hours of talks in Vienna .

A senior official in the United States requested that unknown officials held a talks in Shalvin and Wang Yi that the White House hoped that the meeting between Shalvin and Wang Yi would be able to pave the way for these two largest economies in the world.

The official said on Thursday that Shalvin and Wang Yi did not discuss the date that the US Secretary of State Brosky was allowed to visit Beijing, but the White House was expected to continue to communicate in the next few months.

The White House issued a statement saying that Shalvin and Wang Yi discussed Russia's war on Ukraine during the talks in Vienna.

The White House said: "The two sides conducted a frank, substantial and constructive discussion on the key issues of bilateral relations, global and regional security issues, Russia's war on Ukraine, and cross -strait issues."


statement also said that the meeting between Shalvin and Wang Yi was part of the two sides "partial efforts to maintain open communication channels and responsibly managing competitive relationships."

The Chinese Embassy in Washington issued a statement saying that Wang Yi and Shalvin "discussed a frank, deep, substantial, and constructive discussion on eliminating obstacles in Sino -US relations and stabilizing stability."

U.S. President Biden has been seeking official calls with Chinese officials, but anonymous US officials have not disclosed the latest progress in this area.

A suspected Chinese spy balloon flying over American sensitive military facilities was hit by the US fighter jet and triggered a crisis in the United States and China. As a result, Brinkee was therefore canceled the visit to Beijing, which was scheduled to go to Beijing in February .

When asked what the Shatin and Wang Yi discussed the balloon incident, anonymous U.S. officials said: "I think both parties realize that this regrettable incident has caused the communication between the two parties to be interrupted. We are now we are interrupted.We are seeking to let go of this incident and re -establish some standards and normal communication channels. "