(Washington Composite Electric) The US Congress budget office raised the US budget deficit this year's budget deficit for US $ 130 billion (S $ 174 billion) to US $ 1.54 trillion, and once again warned that the Ministry of Finance may exhaust funds as early as the beginning of next month.

The latest data released by

CONGRESSIONALBUDGETOFFICE (CBO) outlines the fiscal prospects announced on Friday (May 12), which is worse than forecasts in February this year.The Republican representatives who are negotiating on the debt limit of the Democratic Party are expected to take the opportunity to use the new data to cut expenditure for the Democratic Party.

CBO is a federal institution with no party. Its estimated US $ 130 billion in deficit increase is estimated. It is roughly consistent with the amount of free disposal expenditure required to reduce the amount of free disposal expenditure in the debt -limited negotiation negotiation.

CBO reiterated on Friday that unless Congress raised the upper limit of the federal debt, "at some time before June, the government will face a major risk of unable to fulfill all debt payment obligations."

However, if the Ministry of Finance can avoid breach of contract before June 15, the expected quarterly tax and additional unconventional measures may help the government to continue to operate and pay all the bills until the end of July.

U.S. President Biden will hold talks with the leaders of Congress on the issue of debt limit next week.The White House spokesman Jean -Pierre said that the negotiation representatives began on Tuesday (9th), which began on Tuesday (9th), and will continue to negotiate on the weekend, showing that "the dialogue is developing in the right direction."

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yelun said in an interview with Bloomberg on Friday that if Congress could not reach an agreement, it would harm the US credit rating.She said: "We will have to break the contract in some obligations, whether it is paying for debt or paying to the social security depositor ... This is something that the United States has never done since 1789, and now we should not create a precedent."

Yellen admits in an interview with Reuters that this negotiation is "more difficult" than in the past, but she shows: "I hope that this time can end like the previous crisis, that is, we will find a solution."

She said that the "almost everyone" who participated in Biden and Congress leaders on Tuesday meeting agreed that the US default is unacceptable, which is a positive sign.