(Berlin / Niigata City Comprehensive Electric) Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) must adjust its relationship with China to reduce dependence on China but not decomposed.In order to reduce their dependence on China in raw material supply, they are preparing to cooperate directly with the country of origin of raw materials.

Senior German officials revealed on Thursday (May 11) that Germany hopes that the G7 leaders of the G7 countries will have a common position on their economic relations with China next week, and discuss the establishment of a "raw material club" to reduceDependence on Beijing.

Agence France -Presse reported that at the Hiroshima Summit, the leaders of the G7 member states and the rich countries of the raw material resources will discuss the establishment of the "raw material club".This initiative aims to avoid being transported to China by key raw materials and promotes them to stay in the country of origin.

G7 members Germany, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, and Italian leaders will hold a summit on Hiroshima, Japan from May 19th to 21st.

Senior German officials told reporters in Berlin that German Chancellor Tsutz advocated minimizing the risk of China's economic dependence relationship, but did not advocate "decoupling" with China.The G7 leader's position in this area is "mostly consistent", which will be reflected in the communiqué of the summit.

Germany, the European Economic locomotive, is increasingly worried that its huge manufacturing industry will rely too much on China, so it has been trying to adjust.Since Russia invades Ukraine and has greatly reduced natural gas supply, Germany is the first to know that the consequences of excessive relying on other countries are serious.

According to reports, it is expected that the G7 summit will be issued specifically for Chinese issues, but China will be the core of a bulletin of "economic toughness and security".

G7 Finance Minister Conference is currently held in Niigata, Japan.According to reports, the G7 Treasury Secretary will propose to establish a new supply chain partnership during this year and open to other countries that conditions must meet certain standards in terms of human rights and environmental policies.

Bloomberg quoted insiders reports that China has a dominant position in some rare earth supply. It is expected that Congress will increase their efforts to strive for diversified supply chain of renewable energy.

According to Reuters, the financial ministers of various countries will discuss targeted controls on China's investment, but all parties have different views on implementation. Among them, Germany and Japan are cautious.Although Germany is more alert to China, it is not hoped to be regarded as leading the leader to the front of China.Japan has reservations about controlling Chinese investment, because it is worried that this may have a huge adverse impact on global trade and the Japanese economy.

Analysts also questioned the effectiveness of such measures.Xibin Toru, the chief economist of the Institute of Economics of the First Life (DAI-ICHI LIFE): "From the perspective of China's economic strength, it is difficult to exclude it.Member states cause damage. "

In addition, the analysis pointed out that China is the world's largest sovereign creditor country. Once it is isolated, the G7 will help emerging economies to solve debt problems.

EU Foreign Minister meets how to reduce dependence on China

The EU Foreign Minister also met in Stockholm on Friday to discuss how to reduce Europe's dependence on China and promote Beijing to adopt a tougher stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

On the eve of the Foreign Minister meeting, the EU's Foreign Action Department submitted a plan to re -adjust the policy of China to the member states. The focus is on the balance. On the one hand, the EU maintains its own position on Beijing.Hard partnership.

The senior representative of the EU Foreign and Security Policy, Berrely, said in the attached letter of the plan that the current key is not to prevent China from becoming a world power, but to restrict how it uses its strength.

He believes that at least three reasons have allowed the European Union to adjust their policies to China, that is, the rise of nationalism and ideology leads to the degree of changes in China, the exacerbation of Sino -US competition has affected all policy areas, as well as China's key role as regional and global affairsfact.

According to the plan, cooperation, competition and confrontation will continue to be the center of the EU policy to China. At the same time, the weights of these three factors will be adjusted according to China's behavior.