(Washington Composite Electric) The United States and the European Union will promise to strengthen coordination for security measures for export restrictions, export technology review and foreign investment management and control to counterattack the "economic stress" of China and other countries.

The United States -EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC) will hold a fourth meeting over this month.According to Bloomberg's statement of TTC as the meeting, the United States and Europe will solve the above problems in the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) framework.

This draft shows that the United States and Europe will make a commitment to continue to cooperate in export control and investment review, and handle challenges such as non -market policies and practices and economic stress.

G7 leaders may also issue a statement at the Hiroshima Summit next week to express concerns about China's "economic coercion" in overseas transactions.

Hiroshima Summit will be held from May 19th to 21st.A US official said on Friday (May 12) that this statement may be one of the components of the communiqué of the summit. It is expected to be combined with another widely content proposal to explain how seven developed economies willSympathy to cope with "economic coercion from any country".

The official said that the key statement will include "a part specifically targeted at China", which lists a list of attention including "special economic stress and other acts from China".

Several new statements are more specific than in the past


G7 Summit will also have another independent "economic security statement" to propose more tools used to fight for any economic coercion, including planning and coordination.It is expected that these statements will be more specific than the statements issued by the G7 summit in the past.

On the other hand, Boerly, a senior representative of EU diplomacy and security policy, said that China will use Russia's "geopolitical opportunities" that Russia has frustrated in Ukraine, so the European Union must respond to Beijing's global ambitions.

According to the British Financial Times reported on Friday, Berrely prompted EU member states in the name of private names to the EU Foreign Minister, prompting EU member states to reach a "consistent strategy" in response to the increasing Chinese nationalism and the intensified competition between China and the United States.

He said, "China's issue is much more complicated than the Russian issue. China's ambition is obviously to establish a new world order with China as the core ... Russia's frustration in Ukraine will not affect China's development. China will use this.Geographical opportunities. "

The EU Foreign Minister met in Stockholm on Friday and agreed to reduce its economic dependence on China; however, Burrely emphasized how the EU must discuss how to achieve this goal.

He said that the EU must learn from the "strategic mistakes" committed from the Ukrainian war before the outbreak of the Ukrainian war. Do not rely too much on key technologies such as solar panels and key materials.He said that De-Risking is just a term, and there is a lot of work behind it. The European Union needs a lot of time to examine all economic relations with China.

Berrely also sent a letter to the EU governments that the current key is not to prevent China from becoming a world power, but to restrict how it uses its strength.