EU chief foreign policy officials said that a plan to reduce China's economic dependence has received support from EU Foreign Ministers. What must be discussed next is how to achieve this goal.

Reuters reported that the EU Foreign Minister met in Stockholm on Friday (May 12) to discuss how to reduce Europe's dependence on China.Bollyi, a senior representative of EU diplomacy and security policy, told the media after the meeting that the EU Foreign Minister widely supported the adjustment of the planning plan for China. While paying more attention to China as a political opponent, it continued to regard Beijing as a partner and the economy who regarded Beijing as a global issue.Competitive rival.

Berrely said: "The dependence is too risky." He said: "EU colleagues welcomed the plans we submit. They agreed that we re -adjusted the basic route to China."

He pointed out that the EU must learn from the "strategic mistakes" committed by the EU before the outbreak of the Ukrainian war, that is, it is too dependent on Russia's natural gas.

Berrely said that the European Union now includes solar panels and key materials in terms of key technologies, which dependence on China is more dependent on Russian energy.

He said: "Risk -risk is just a term. But behind this term represents a lot of work, we need a lot of time to review all economic relations between the European Union and China."

However, Borier emphasized that the purpose of the European Union is not to make the European and Chinese economy "decoupling", but to re -balance this relationship.

Lithuania Foreign Minister Langzbagis warns that even if the European Union does not want to be economically decoupled in China, it is necessary to prepare for this situation.

Langzbelis said: "We still need to prepare for the decoustal situation -this is not what we want to happen, just like Russia (invading Ukraine), and it is not something we determine to create, such asSay the status quo of the Taiwan Strait is changed by force. "

EU officials will start to improve the proposal to reduce the dependence on China's economy, and then submit it to EU leaders.EU leaders are expected to discuss Chinese issues at the June summit.