(Washington Composite Electric) The overseas version of the overseas version of the Chinese short video platform Douyin, CEO Zhou, is emphasized that the company has never shared American user data with the Chinese government.Request.

Zhou suffered a certificate on Thursday (March 23) to the US House of Representatives of the House of Representatives of the United States.Reuters quoted his written confession and said: "Tiktok has never shared with the Chinese government to share or received a request to share American user data. If someone raises it, Tiktok will not provide data as required,"

According to the written testimony posted on the website on Tuesday of the House of Representatives Energy and Commercial Committee, Zhou was funded that Tiktok's parent company's byte beating is not owned or controlled by any government or country.He said: "Byte beating is not an agent in China or any country."

Critics are worried that this short video application of more than 150 million users in the United States will pass data to the Chinese government, and American members have proposed four bills that restrict its activities.Last week, Tiktok said that the U.S. government has notified its parent company byte beating technology to sell Tiktok shares, otherwise it may be banned.

Zhou Yousheng said: "Only when there is no other choice, it is appropriate to promulgate the ban. But we do have other choices."

Tiktok said that it has spent $ 1.5 billion (about S $ 2 billion) to implement the "Texas Plan", strictly implement data protection, and strive to support Congress and government support.

The US Foreign Investment Commission (CFIUS), which is responsible for reviewing foreign investment in the United States (CFIUS), has unanimously suggested that bytes beating from TIKTOK in 2020.Under the pressure of then President Trump, the byte beating at the end of 2020 tried to reach an agreement with Wal -Mart and Oracle to transfer Tiktok's assets in the United States to a new entity, but failed to succeed. Subsequently, Trump was trying to block the ban.Tiktok's court litigation was defeated.

Tiktok has negotiated with CFIUS for more than two years. It has also established a subsidiary Tiktok American Data Security Company (USDS), hired nearly 1,500 employees and signed a contract with Oracle to store US user data.Oracle has begun to check the source code of TIKTOK and obtains operations and data models.

Zhou Yizi said that when this process is completed, "all protected American data will be protected by US law and controlled by the security team led by the United States ... The Chinese government cannot access or forcibly obtain data."

Introduction said that Tiktok began to transfer new US data to Oracle Cloud last year, and began to delete American users in Virginia and Singapore data centers this month.This process is expected to be completed this year.

Zhou's capital also explained that 60 % of the shares of the bytes were held by global institutional investors. The founder of the company and the number of employees including Americans held about 20 % of the shares.As for users, about 10 % of global users account for 25 % of the world's clicks.

Tiktok also focuses on protecting young people.Zhou Yousu said that it banned those under 16 years of age to send information directly, and the use time for those under 18 years of age was one hour.He said: "Many measures have opened the precedent of the social media industry."