(Berlin Composite Electric) When the German Economic Minister of Economic Minister Habeck was interviewed by German media on Tuesday (March 21), he proposed to restrict the export of specific German technology products to China.

When answering whether Germany should restrict high -tech products to China, Habeck reported to Frankfurt that Germany should prevent the leading position of technology due to "negligence", and export control should not be available everywhere.In the field, we should become stricter. "

Bloomberg reports that as the geopolitics of China and Western countries are becoming increasingly tense, this is the first time that German government officials have publicly expressed their support for such restrictions on exports to China.

In other places of the European Union, the Netherlands is preparing to prohibit some chips (also known as chips) manufacturing equipment to China, such as Deep Ultra Violet Lithogram system.This is the second advanced semiconductor technology under the Dutch light carved giant Asmi.

In addition, the US government has further tightened the restrictions on China's export semiconductor manufacturing equipment to prevent China's advanced chip industry.

It is reported that the new restrictions on the Bayeng government known to be will be introduced, and it may be announced next month.New measures may double the machine that must apply for a special export permit.

Harbick also mentioned that Germany should not use the components from Huawei for the expansion of the 5G mobile network in the future, and he ruled out the possibility of completely eliminating Huawei products from the existing network.

Germany is still in the censorship of the potential security risks that Huawei parts may exist in the wireless network.