(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. Secretary of State Brosky expressed public doubts on the proposal made by Chinese officials to end the Ukrainian war, and said that he had a "diplomatic cover" for the Russian war behavior with the Russian President Putin.

Brinken Monday (March 20) at a press conference on the Human Rights Report of various countries in the State Council said that Chinese officials went to Moscow a few days later in the International Criminal Court of Criminal Court, showing that "China believes that there is no responsibility in ChinaThe Kremlin's atrocities committed in Ukraine. Instead of condemning them, China would rather provide diplomatic cover for Russia to continue to commit these crimes. "

The Hague International Criminal Court issued a arrest warrant on Putin last Friday, accusing him of suspected of participating in the abduction of Ukrainian children and committing war.

Chinese officials proposed in Moscow to end the 12 -point peace plan designed to end the Ukrainian war, and Putin expressed his willingness to study.

But Brinken said that the world should not be fooled by any tactical steps taken by Russia in China or any other country.He questioned whether China's proposal could safeguard Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

He said that any suspension proposal does not include Russia's withdrawal from Ukraine, in fact, it is agreed with Russia's occupation operations."Any key plan that does not give priority to this key principle is just delaying tactics, or just helping the results of injustice. This is not a constructive diplomacy."

Brintken also announced that the United States will provide Ukraine with a total value of US $ 350 million (about S $ 469 million) for new military assistance.He warned that without a long -lasting solution, Putin would have the opportunity to rest on the army and restart the war at a more favorable time in Russia.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Cerby called on Chinese officials to put pressure on Putin to end the war."We encourage President Xi to put pressure on Putin directly to respect Russia to respect Ukrainian's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Global and Chinese neighbor will definitely pay close attention to the development of the situation."

Cerbie and Briggie also called on Chinese officials to contact Ukraine President Zeleki.

Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Wileshik pointed out in an interview with Italian media that Kiev looked forward to Chinese officials talking to Zeleki."We are waiting for the other party to determine, this will be an important step. The leaders of the two countries have something to say to each other."

On the other hand, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States House of Representatives and Republican Republican Macao McCur issued a statement on Monday to warn the "no upper limit" relationship between China and Russia.

McCawell said that China has chosen to stand on the side of Russia. Chinese officials hope that Putin will win, so it is impossible to be neutral peacetrains.He also warned: "The international community should imagine that if China invades Taiwan, Chinese officials will call on Putin to invest in peaches to provide military, economic, and diplomatic support. The United States or our allies and partners should not tolerate the CCP to increase the pair of pairs.Russia's support. "