Agence France -Presse said that Beijing tries to highlight its neutrality, neither condemn nor clearly supports Russia's aggressive acts, and Ukraine hopes that Western allies will put pressure on Chinese leadership to put pressure on Chinese leadership to so as to use it in order to put pressure on Chinese leadership.Maintain this fragile balance.

(Kiev Composite Electric) officially visited Russia a few hours before the Chinese official Monday (March 20), Ukraine and Western countries hoped that China would exert its influence on Russia and promote Russia to end this war.

Dannilov, Secretary -General of the National Security Minister of Ukraine and Secretary -General of the National Defense Commission, posted on Twitter, indicating that any peace talks must be based on Russia's comprehensive withdrawal of Ukrainian territory and respecting the integrity of Ukrainian territory.The plan must also be subject to this.He said: "The first point is to surrender or withdraw troops based on the Russian occupation forces (from Ukrainian territory) according to the International Law and the United Nations Charter."

After the Chinese official arrived in Moscow, Ukraine Foreign Ministry spokesman Niko Lianko immediately issued a statement saying that Ukraine hopes that China will use its influence on Russia to end the war.

Statement said: "Ukraine is paying close attention to visiting Russia. We expect Beijing to use its influence on Moscow to end the war of aggression against Ukraine."

Nico Lianko said that Ukraine is ready to have a deeper conversation with China at any time, and restores Ukraine's peace in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter and the latest resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly.

Worried about China with weapons to Russia

A spokesman for British Prime Minister Sonak said on Monday that Chinese officials should emphasize that China publicly supports respect for territorial integrity and requires Russia to end a war in Ukraine."We hope that President Xi will use this opportunity to pressure President Putin, asking for stopping the bombing of cities, hospitals and schools in Ukraine, and stop some atrocities we see every day."

China official was the first visit to Moscow since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War.Agence France -Presse analyzed that Ukraine was worried about China's official visit to Russia, worried that China would eventually decide to provide weapons to Russia, which would affect the results of the war.

Analysis said that Beijing tried to highlight its neutrality and neither condemned nor clearly supporting Russia's aggression.Ukraine hopes that Western allies will put pressure on Chinese leadership to maintain this fragile balance.

The first deputy director of the new European center of the Kiefu Think Tank, Slotky, said: "Ukraine is just holding the most basic expectations: hope that the situation will not worsen."

The United States accused Beijing in February of last month to consider providing weapons to Russia. According to media reports, these may include ammunition and drones.China has strong denials.So far, only Iran has provided Russia with an attack drone.

An anonymous senior official in Ukraine said earlier this month: "If they (China) start to supply weapons, it will be a serious problem for us."

Western countries refuse to propose a peace plan proposed by China, but Ukraine President Zelezki does not want to irritate Beijing and expresses his willingness to cooperate with China.Since the start of the war, Zelei Sky has not passed with Chinese officials.

Yurii Poita, a researcher at the Taiwan Institute of Defense and Security, said that since August last year, Zelei has been trying to communicate with Chinese officials since August last year, but China has not responded.He said that for China, Russia is more important than Ukraine, and Beijing is regarded as the sphere of influence of Russia and a gray area between East and West.

Slotky said that Ukraine has never really formulated a policy for China, and has not sent ambassadors to Beijing for two years. Therefore, "it is unrealistic to look forward to that China suddenly hear our voice."