(Morning News) US Secretary of State Brosky said that Chinese official visit to Russia and meet with Russian President Putin, providing a "diplomatic cover" for the war at Russia.He also said that "the world should not be fooled by China -Russia's potential Ukraine Peace Plan", saying that the China -Russia Peace Plan will "lock" the Ukrainian territory that has been occupied by the Russian army.

Comprehensive VOA and Bloomberg reported that when Russian President Putin welcomed the Chinese official three -day visit to Russia, Brinken said on Monday (March 20) that any can end the Russian and Ukraine War,The basic elements of a plan to realize fair and lasting peace must be to maintain the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Brinken said: "A few days after the International Criminal Court issued a arrest warrant for President Putin, President Xi went to Russia. This shows that China believes that it has no responsibility to investigate the atrocities committed by the Kremlin in Ukraine."

Brinken said that China "not only did not condemn Russia, but also provided diplomatic cover for Russia to continue to commit these serious crimes."

Brinken said at a press conference on the Human Rights Report of the State Council on the same day that the United States expects China to reiterate the ceasefire appeal in China's peaceful proposal on the occasion of China's official visit to Russia."The United States welcomes any initiatives to promote justice and persistence. China's proposal includes the content we have supported for a long time, including ensuring nuclear security, resolving humanitarian crisis, protecting civilians, and the first content is to maintain countries.Sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. "

He expressed doubts about the Ukrainian ceasefire appealed by China.Brinken said that peace proposals in China include the "long -supported content" in the United States, but if the ceasefire does not include respect for Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity, it is "delay tactics" or "supporting the approval of Russia's conquest".

Brinken said: "Any basic elements that end the Ukrainian war and achieve lasting peaceful plans must maintain Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity according to the principles of the UN Charter.Delaying tactics, or just seeking the result of unjust being promoted. This is not a constructive diplomacy. "

He said: "Call for a ceasefire and call on the Russian army to withdraw from Ukraine at different times, basically supporting the approval of Russia's conquest operation. It will recognize Russia's attempt to try to seize sovereignty neighbor territory with force. This will enable Russia to be able toFurther consolidate the position in Ukraine. If there is no solution that can be maintained now, Putin will be able to rest and rectify his army and restart the war when it is more favorable for Russia. "

On the same day, the White House spokesman Kobe said that Chinese officials should use his influence to pressure Putin and ask Putin to withdraw troops from Ukraine.What Washington is worried that Beijing may call on Russia and Ukraine to cease fire and let the Russian army stay in Ukrainian territory.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the official Chinese official met with Putin on Monday afternoon. The two heads of state had a deep and frank exchanges on the issues of Sino -Russian relations and common concern.

Chinese officials say that Russia will hold a presidential election next year. He firmly believes that the Russian people will continue to give Putin firm support.Putin said that Russia is willing to continue to deepen Chinese pragmatic cooperation with China, strengthen communication and cooperation in international affairs, and promote the process of multi -polarization and international relations in the world.

The two sides exchanged opinions on the Ukrainian issue.Chinese officials emphasized that on the issue of Ukraine, peaceful and rational voices are constantly accumulating. Most countries support the ease of tension, advocate persuasion and talk, and oppose fire on fire.Historically, conflict needs to be resolved through dialogue and negotiations.Not long ago, the Chinese side specifically published a position document calling for politics to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, oppose the Cold War thinking, and oppose unilateral sanctions.Chinese officials say that the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is to leave room for peace; the more contradictions and the more, the more we cannot give up the dialogue efforts.China is willing to continue to play a constructive role in promoting political solving the Ukrainian issue.

Putin said that Russia appreciates China's fair, objective, and balanced positions on major international issues, and hosted fairness and justice.The Russian side carefully studied the Chinese side's position on political solution to the Ukrainian issue, and held an open attitude towards peace talks. China is welcome to play a constructive role for this.