(French Xindian Washington) White House said that the United States and China are discussing US Treasury Minister Yellen and Commercial Secretary Raymond Doro's access to China.If it is done, this will be the highest -level visit between the two countries since the decline in the U.S. -China relations in February.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe on Monday (March 20) told reporters that he is "active" considering this interview.He said: "We are discussing with China that Yellen and Raymond may visit there and discuss economic issues."

U.S. Secretary of State Brillings was canceled in the last minute, and the United States had previously shot down a Chinese balloon, saying it was a spy balloon.

However, Cerbin said that Brins are still likely to visit China.He said: "The visit was postponed, but it was not canceled ... We still want to let Brinken visit China."

Kobe also emphasized: "It is important to keep these communication channels unblocked, especially now (relationships) such a highly tense period."