(Morning News) The White House said after the talks of the heads of state in China and Russia that there was no sign that there were no signs that the Ukrainian war could end soon.

Reuters reports that Chinese officials and Russian President Putin held a formal talks on Moscow on Tuesday (March 21) in Moscow. The two countries also issued a joint statement on deepening the comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership of the new era on the day.

Putin and China's official talks met with reporters together. Putin said that Beijing's "Peace Plan" can be used as a basis for peaceful solving the Ukrainian problem. He also said that Russia carefully studied the Chinese suggestion on solving the Ukrainian crisis.Discuss this matter.

Putin said that Russia has an open attitude towards peace talks and welcomes China to play a constructive role for this, but he said that Ukraine and the West are not yet prepared to accept the peace talks.

In response to the Ukrainian crisis, Chinese officials said that most countries support the ease of tensions, advocate persuasion and talk, and oppose the fuel to the fire.Historically, conflict needs to be resolved through dialogue and negotiations.China believes that the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is for peace; the more contradictions are sharp, and the more they cannot give up their dialogue efforts, the Chinese side is willing to continue to play a constructive role for promoting the political solution of the Ukrainian issue.

In this regard, the White House in the United States said that if China wants to play a constructive role in Ukraine, China should urge Russia to stop invasion of Ukraine.

A spokesman for the White House National Security Council, Kerbir, said in an interview on Tuesday that from the Chinese official and Putin's speech, the United States does not think that the Ukrainian war can end soon.

Kobe refers to China's official position on the Ukrainian war. He urged Beijing to pressure Moscow and ask Russia to withdraw from Ukraine's sovereign territory to end the war.

On the day of the official talks of Chinese officials and Putin on March 21, the two countries issued a joint statement on deepening the comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership between the new era.The two sides emphasized that consolidating and deepening the comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership between China and Russia in the new era is a strategic choice made by the two sides based on their national conditions. It is in line with the fundamental interests of the two countries and the people of the two countries.The two sides have resolutely condemned the politicalization of multilateral platforms, and some countries at an attempt to enter the primary task of the primary task of related mechanisms in the multilateral platform agenda.