According to a report published by the scientific data platform Zenodo, researchers have found evidence of virus existence in these samples, as well as genetic substances from multiple animals, including severe infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome.Coronatte 2 毒.

(Washington Composite Electric) The latest research report pointed out that in the early days of the crown disease epidemic, the sample collected from the China Seafood market in Wuhan, China, and the coronary virus was transmitted to humans from animals.The most powerful evidence from the laboratory.

According to a report published on Monday (March 20) on the scientific data platform Zenodo, the researchers found the evidence of the virus in these samples, as well as genetic substances from various animals, including severe infection and severe acute breathing.Syndrome 2 (SARS-COV-2) 貉.This virus can cause crown disease.In some samples, there are more animal genes than human genes, and animals may be infected with viruses.

This information was uploaded by Chinese scientists at the end of January to the database of global sharing of influenza Data Initiative (GISAID).However, the data was deleted on March 11.The original data is not public.

Crown diseases should be conducted in the laboratory or nature.

Some experts are worried that the data is incomplete and cannot be verified.David Realman, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford University, said: "You must adhere to any important issues, especially this issue, according to the process and scientific methods."

Realman said that both sides who argued against the origin of coronary virus should be the case.Relman has always advocated that the two theories, the laboratory or nature, are also strictly investigated.

The Director -General of the World Health Organization Tan Desai criticized China to conceal the newly discovered genetic data last Friday (17th). He said that these data from the China Disease Prevention and Control Center and samples collected in Wuhan China Seafood Market in 2020related.

"These data cannot provide clear answers to the origin of the epidemic, but each data is important, which can make us closer to that answer."

The United Nations writer and the University of Utah virusist Stephen Gorztan said: "This is the first time we identify the genes of the virus and the potential middle host of the virus in the same place." He said, this fully conforms to humans and animalsCorporation of the disease.

The report said that after the SARS epidemic appeared in China in 2002, the SARS coronary virus formed naturally was detected on another market in China.The report states that the sample also discovered the deoxyuraucleic acid (DNA) of Malaysia, Siberian weasel, Northeast hedgehog, and bamboo rats.

The results of the investigation in the American intelligence community still have differences. The Federal Investigation Bureau and the Energy Department concluded that the virus may come from the laboratory accident, which is different from the report issued by Zenodo.U.S. President Biden signed a bill on Monday to legislate to allow officials to decrypt and share the potential connection between viruses and Chinese Wuhan Laboratory.

Bynden said that after he took office in 2021, he "instructed the intelligence agency to do his best to investigate."However, the bill made Biden, who was nervous about China's official relationship, faced the political test.

He emphasized that he has a common goal with Congress, and he expects to disclose documents on the source of coronary virus as much as possible. The federal government will share related documents with the public without harming national security.

The two hospitals of the United States have adopted the bill earlier, asking the state intelligence director to decrypt the intelligence information about the origin of coronary viruses.

Wang Wenbin, a Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pointed out at a regular press conference on Tuesday that the content related to China in the Crown Disease Origin Act signed by Biden distorted the facts and called on the United States to "stop political manipulation immediately."