(New York Composite Electric) The first wave of the United States and banks may need a second wave of assistance after receiving assistance last week, which caused its stock price to plummet by nearly 50%.Essence

It is reported that banks such as JP Morgan Chase are formulating a new plan to aid the First Republic Bank of the United States. The US government is also studying how to provide guarantees for all bank deposits to stop the continuous spread of the banking crisis.

U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen on Tuesday (March 21) said at the Washington Summit of the American Banking Association that the U.S. banking industry has stabilized after the shock that has closed down;After spreading, the total amount of regional bank deposits has also stabilized.

She guarantees that if a small scale is crowding and the possibility of spreading, the official does not rule out that further measures are taken to protect the storeders.

After the three American banks in Silver Gate, Silicon Valley, and the logo have successively closed down, the market is worried that the first and the banks of the banks will withdraw a lot of funds to make the bank closed down.Pessimism led investors to sell the stocks of the first republic, and the stock price fell 47.1%when the stock closed on Monday.After opening the market on Tuesday, the bank's stock price rebounded more than 30%, and the European and American stock markets generally rose, but analysts said that investors are still very cautious.

Bank of JP Morgan Chase and other banks consults 30 billion deposits to capital injection

Bloomberg quoted insiders reports that Morgan Chase President Dai Meng was negotiating with other banks and plans to deposit multiple bank giants into the first and banks of the first and banks (about S $ 40.2 billion).Essence

11 large banks in the United States, including JP Morgan Chase, jointly deposited $ 30 billion in the First Republic Bank last Thursday to support it through the difficulty.

According to informed people, suggestions about changing deposits into capital injection are still in the preliminary discussion stage. Some of these 11 banks may oppose this.

The first and bank refused to respond to the potential replacement agreement.It issued a statement only saying: "After depositing 30 billion U.S. dollars in the country's largest banks in the country, and the current first and bank cash held by the bank, the bank has good conditions for management of short -term deposit activities."

First and Bank was established in 1985. The headquarters is in San Francisco. The branches are mainly distributed in California and East Coast City.Based on assets, as of the end of 2022, it is the 14th big bank in the United States.

According to Standard Purcera's global rating, 68%of the bank's deposit has no government guarantee because it exceeds the maximum limit of $ 250,000 per account.

In order to stop the closure of the bank's closure, it is reported that the U.S. government is studying how to provide guarantees for all bank deposits.

People familiar with the matter say that officials of the Ministry of Finance are evaluating whether it can give federal regulatory agencies sufficient urgent authorization, that is, it is not necessary to pass the formal approval of the severe division of Congress, but temporarily expand the insurance coverage to more than 250,000 US dollars.Essence

People familiar with the matter said that the official believes that there is no need to take such actions at present, but without ahead, they have to formulate strategies to prevent the situation from deteriorating.

The White House spokesman Kikawa did not disclose whether the official was studying this measure when he was questioned. He only said: "We will use necessary tools to support regional banks. After the government and regulators take decisive action last weekend, we have watched it.The deposits of banks from all over the country have stabilized, and some banks have a slight reversal. "

According to a letter from Bloomberg on March 17, the US medium -sized banking alliance urged the official to cancel the current deposit guarantee limit; the reason is that if there is another regional bank closed, more storage households will transfer money to transfer money to transfer moneyTo large banks, the prospects of smaller banks are even more worrying.