Ukrainian officials reiterated that the explosion of Beixi pipeline has nothing to do with Ukraine.Germany, Sweden and Denmark officials are conducting investigations, but no results have been concluded.The Kremlin spokesman Peskov questioned that the report was not attentive.

(Washington Composite Electric) The New York Times reported that new information reviewed by US officials shows that connecting the Beixi natural gas pipeline connecting Russia and Western Europe exploded in September last year.The government participates in it.

Ukrainian officials reiterated that the explosion of Beixi pipeline has nothing to do with Ukraine.The Kremlin Palace refers to the report that the report aims to "divert attention" and once again requires an international investigation for the explosion.

The New York Times on Tuesday (March 7) quoted unnamed US officials reported that the new information they evaluated showed that the Beixi pipeline explosion was a pro -black group against Russian President Putin.However, there is no evidence that the President of Ukraine is involved in the incident, and there is no evidence that the attacker acts in accordance with the instructions of Ukrainian government officials.

Officials did not explain who participated, planned or funded who was the attack.They pointed out that the information about this destruction group is still limited, but its members are likely to be Ukraine or Russian citizens without the United States and British.

Ruowu participated in the destruction or weakening of Germany's support for the Beixi pipeline

If there are signs, it shows that Ukraine directly or indirectly participates in the Beixi pipeline destruction incident, which may undermine the relationship between Kiev and Berlin and weaken Germany's support for Ukraine.Affected by the Russian and Ukraine War, the German people are bear higher energy prices.

However, New Year pointed out that U.S. officials have not yet reached a clear conclusion, which shows that the possibility of attacking the attack on the Ukrainian government or security department in private still exists.

German media also pointed out that this is not yet possible to rule out the possibility of discrediting Ukraine's "fake flags".

According to the Times Weekly (Zeit) and the German Public Broadcasting Alliance (ARD) reported on Tuesday, German investigators have found vessels used to destroy the Beixi pipeline.

It is reported that the attacker is five men and one woman, and the nationality is unknown. They rented a yacht to the Polish company held by a Ukrainian citizen with a fake passport. Investigators found residual explosives on the ship.

Report also said that intelligence shows that the attacker may come from pro -Wu group, but German officials have not yet mastered any relevant evidence.

In response to New Year's reports, the consultant of Zellenzki Podolia issued a post on Tuesday: "Ukraine has nothing to do with the Baltic incident, and there is no information about the" pro -Ukraine destruction group "."

German, Sweden and Denmark officials are conducting investigations on the damage of Beixi pipelines.A German government spokesman said Berlin had noticed reports in New Year and stated that German investigations had not had results.Swedish Prime Minister Christong also refused to comment on the grounds that Sweden was also investigating.

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov questioned that the report had no intention.He said in an interview with the Russian News Agency (RIA) on Wednesday (March 8): "The attacker obviously wants to divert the attention. This obviously has media coordinated hype. How can American officials make any assumptions without investigation?"

Peskov said that the Beixi project holder should adhere to the transparent and emergency investigation."Russia has not been allowed to participate in the investigation until now ... This not only makes people feel strange, but also smells the clue of terrible crimes from it."