(Kiev comprehensive) The U.S. military is allowing Ukraine pilots to use the United States simulation aircraft, and to evaluate how much time they need to learn to drive American military aircraft.This caused the United States to speculate for Ukraine to provide F-16 fighters, but US officials said that these simulation training has nothing to do with the F-16 fighter.

Sunday (March 5th) quoted three sources reports that two pilots in Ukraine are being evaluated at the U.S. base in Arizona.Learn driving in US military aircraft including F-16.

One of the Ministry of Defense officials said: "We can help Ukraine pilots to add experience and provide suggestions for how they improve their capabilities. In this activity, they will not drive any planes, but they will use part of the visits.Simulator. "

The official said that there is no new information about whether the United States will provide F-16 for Ukraine, and the United States does not intend to expand the training activity.

The National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) and Reuters also reported the news.Reuters quoted Biden government officials as saying: "This is to train them to drive their planes, not about the F-16 fighter."

Because of worrying that the war will be upgraded, the United States and allies have been reluctant to provide fighters according to Ukraine's request.U.S. President Bayeng said last month that Ukraine did not need F-16 fighters now, and Germany has excluded the possibility of providing fighters.

US Deputy Deputy Defense Karl recently told the House of Representatives that it would take 18 months to train Ukraine pilots to drive F-16 fighters, and the cost was too high.

But CNN analysis pointed out that this training activity shows that the United States has not fully closed the door to providing F-16 fighters.

Bachurut's battle is still stuck

In terms of war, the Russian army continued to surround the Udong city Bachmut on Saturday (4th), but the Ukraine claimed that they repelled the Russian offensive.CNN quoted the Ukraine Eastern Army Spokesperson Mievati Report: "Bachurut's battle is mainly concentrated in the suburbs, and the Ukraine National Defense Force still controls the city."

The Russian army has been fighting Bachomut for seven months.According to the daily battle of the British Ministry of Defense on Saturday, Bach Murd's Ukraine was facing increasing pressure, and the control routes controlled were less and less, and the Russian army had advanced to the northern suburbs of Bachomut.

The Institute of War headquarters in the United States said that the Ukrainian army may be preparing to withdraw from some areas where the war situation is particularly difficult to avoid being surrounded by the Russian army.The Institute also believes that the Russian army is unlikely to surround Bachmut quickly, let alone launch a positive attack to occupy the city.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said on Saturday that the Russian Defense Minister Shogu inspected the preliminary command post in southern Unton -toot and released an inspection video, but did not disclose the specific location and time.Shaygu issued a national medal to soldiers and presided over the meeting to discuss how to provide weapons and arms to the army uninterrupted.

The Canadian Ministry of Defense announced on Saturday that the Canadian Defense Chief of Staff El ended his visit to Kiev that day.Ale and the commander -in -chief of the Ukraine Armed Forces Dalu During the Nigerian talks, the Canadian armed forces will unswervingly support Ukraine.

The European Parliament Chairman Mecuora also visited Lavff, Western Ukrainian city on Saturday to meet with Zellennki.She urged EU member states to seriously consider transporting fighters to Ukraine and strengthen sanctions on Russia.