South Korea has finalized the Japanese labor problem solution during World War II, and it is expected to end the "biggest suspension" that has caused South Korea -Japan relations to fall into a trough.

Japan and South Korea ’s diplomatic community immediately reported that the two countries had been in coordinating South Korean President Yin Xiyue to visit Japan in March and talks with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida.According to the Kyodo News Agency, Yin Xiyue's visit may be set on March 16th and 17th.

South Korean Foreign Minister Park Zhen Monday (March 6) held a press conference, "Under the current severe international situation and global compound crisis, Korean and Japanese cooperation is very important. I think it should be from the perspective of national interests.Cutting off the vicious cycle, you cannot let the South Korea -Japan relations have been rigid for a long time. "

According to the latest solutions, the "Japanese Imperial Empires Mobilization Victims Support Foundation" of the Ministry of Administration and Security came forward to raise compensation for Japan's iron and Mitsubishi industrial payment in 2018 in 2018.It is understood that 16 Korean companies, including Pu Xiang -made iron, will raise funds through spontaneous donations. These 16 companies will benefit enterprises in 1965 South Korea and Japan.

Since this is a fund raising fund for Korean enterprises and replacing Japanese defendant companies to pay relevant claims, all parties say that this is a "third party compensation plan".Park Zhen said that the "third party on behalf of compensation" plan was based on the results of many negotiations since last year.The compensation target was 15 plaintiffs who won the case in 2018, including compensation, including compensation, to pay them a total of 4 billion won (about S $ 4.15 million).

Park Zhen emphasized that if it is metaphorical to a water cup, he believes that the water cup has been loaded more than half of water.He said that South Korea expects that Japan can make this glass full of water in the future.

South Korea's public opinion believes that Japanese companies that should really compensate are not involved, but the South Korean government has taken the initiative to bow its head to Japan, which is a shame of diplomacy.

Some South Korean victims and the anger of the main opposition parties pointed out that Japanese companies (Japanese Railway and Mitsubishi Heavy Industry), which have been sued, do not participate, and raised funds by Korean companies, which is equivalent to "surrender" to Japan.On the evening of the 6th, 600 civil groups in South Korea held a demonstration in Seoul Plaza to protest the compensation plan proposed by the government on the day.

Diplomatic people pointed out that South Korea has lost many opportunities from the election of international organizations and promoting policies to North Korea during the election of international organizations.s solution.

Kishida Wenxiong: Japanese and Korean relations can be returned to the right track

The proposition of this solution, the Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshi expressed appreciation, convinced that this can return the relationship between Japanese and Korean relations that have been stagnated for many years.

Kishida Wenxiong said: "South Korea is an important neighbor of Japan. This solution is a way to return to a sound relationship between Japan and South Korea. Japan and South Korea strengthen cooperation to help solve various problems for the international community.It is necessary to further strengthen strategic cooperation, including cooperation between the United States, Japan and South Korea. "

Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fang said at a press conference: "This plan allows Japan -South Korean relations to be on track, and I have highly evaluated it. I believe that the Korean government has done its best efforts and only achieved the understanding of the plaintiff."

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), South Korea proposed a solution to satisfy the Japanese party not only eliminating the obstacles of the diplomatic relations between the two parties, but also the mutual resistance of the two countries in trade.

After the South Korean government announced the compensation solution, it also announced that it would suspend the dispute settlement procedures proposed to the World Trade Organization of Japan.Japan also responded that the two countries will launch bilateral consultations on mutual resistance measures for exports for many years.

Nishino Chun, a professor at the University of Kyeongying University, said: "In terms of the current situation of East Asia, Japan and South Korea must strengthen the deterrent of the United States."