(Bloomberg, Washington), said that the American Bayeng government is about to complete a drafting of a presidential decree to limit American companies to invest in some Chinese economic projects, including advanced technology that may help improve China's military and intelligence capabilitiesR & D.

According to the Congress report obtained by Bloomberg, President Biden is preparing to allocate relevant allocation in the 2024 fiscal budget issued on Thursday (March 9).

The new presidential decree will allow the government to have more ways to respond to the impact of China's technological progress. Other channels include controlling advanced semiconductor exports and reviewing China's new guidelines for investment in the United States.

People familiar with the matter said that American officials have found that when US companies invest in China, they often bring intangible benefits, such as the transfer of management and technology, which helps Chinese companies to grow rapidly.The new investment restrictions are for the development of projects that can be applied in national security, including the research and development of artificial intelligence and password deciphering technology.

The U.S. government has no restrictions on investing in US companies in the Chinese technology industry.Some Chinese companies invested by US -owned enterprises involve cutting -edge computing capabilities and other technology development that can be used for military.

Bynden government is cooperating with the allies to formulate related plans, and just submitted two reports to Congress last Friday to outline the cost of a so -called foreign investment plan formulated by the Ministry of Finance.Bloomberg saw a brief report that submitted the National Assembly containing the outline of the plan, and plans to use sensitive "dual -use" technologies that can be used at the same time for business and military.

Although the report does not mention specific technologies or countries, it is expected that some types of advanced semiconductors, quantum computing and artificial intelligence will be included in the limited scope.

Draogo, the leader of the House of Representatives, issued a statement saying that this is a "good start that ensures that American investment will not encourage the CCP's ability and cause danger."

The new restriction plan will be coordinated and managed by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce.The Ministry of Commerce has a blacklist of personal and companies on hand, and they have been banned to get some types of American sensitive export products.However, the scope of new investment plans is wider.According to a report submitted to Congress, the restricted investment "is currently not restricted by export control, sanctions or other related institutions."

It is understood that the official action may include prohibiting investment and more information about US companies with investment in the future, so as to provide information for future actions.

The report said that the official "is striving to ensure that the definition of relevant measures is clear and the scope of the required scope to promote rapid implementation and prevent American capital and professional knowledge that threatens US national security without giving American investors to American investorsWith the unnecessary burden with the enterprise. "

There are reports that the final version of the plan will be released "in the near future", and public opinions will be consulted at that time.