(Washington News) The Wall Street Journal reports that American officials are increasingly worried that giant cranes produced in China may become Beijing's spy tools.Port in the United States, including several ports used by the U.S. military, use this type of crane.

It is reported that the shore container starting machine manufactured by Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. (ZPMC) is equipped with advanced sensors, which can register and track the source and destination of the container.

Some national security officials in the United States compare these cranes to Trojan horses, worrying that China may use them to obtain materials information about entering and exiting the United States and supporting the US military around the world.

Former American anti -espionage official Bill Evanina said: The crane may become a new Huawei.This is a perfect combination of legal business and the collection of secret intelligence that may be used.

He said that those who intend to interfere with logistics may remotely control these cranes.Chris Wolski, who was responsible for Houston's network security affairs, also said: A sensor of the crane fails, making the crane unable to move, which is not difficult for the attacker.

China Embassy in Washington: The United States spreads Chinese threat theory

In response, a representative of the Chinese Embassy in Washington said that he was questioned: LSquo; Chinese brand rsquo; and spreading lsquo; Chinese threat theory rsquo; it is an irresponsible approach, which will also harm the interests of the United States.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning also refuated at a regular press conference on Monday (March 6): The relevant statement was completely soldiers and mixedly misleading the American people.

According to reports, Zhenhua Heavy Industry controls 70%of the global crane market and its products export to more than 100 countries.

U.S. officials said nearly 80 % of the shore container cranes used in the US port came from Zhenhua Reading.These cranes are generally assembled and delivered to the US port and operated with Chinese software.

According to a confidential assessment of the US Defense Intelligence Agency in 2021, Beijing can restrict US port traffic, or collect military information about transportation through port transportation.U.S. officials have not disclosed whether Zhenhua Heavy Industry Cranes are actually used in spy activities.

In the past two years, the US military has occasionally used Virginia, South Carolina, and the ports of Maryland to purchase new cranes from Zhenhua Heavy Industries.

Sources said that in 2021, the Federal Investigation Agency discovered intelligence collection equipment on the cargo ship that delivered Zhenhua Heavy Industry to Balt Morrian, Maryland, but it is unknown whether the official adopted any follow -up operation.

Zhenhua Heavy Industry is a subsidiary of China Transportation Construction Co., Ltd., and China Communications Construction is the main contractor of the China Belt and Road Initiative.In 2020, the United States, on the grounds of the Beijing Military -civilian Integration Project in China, restricted its five subsidiaries to obtain American technology.

For security reasons, some US ports have switched to Swiss ABB Group's software to operate Zhenhua Heavy Industry and heavy machines.There are also ports from the port to buy a crane at the Finnish Koni Crane Equipment.

In December last year, the U.S. Congress passed the National Defense Policy Act to investigate whether the foreign manufacturing heavy aircraft in the US port constituted a security risk.Republican Republican Republican Gimeneus also proposed that legislation prohibits the purchase of Chinese cranes.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning refuted at a regular press conference on Monday (March 6) that the relevant statement was completely soldiers and misleading the American people.