Chat robot ChatGPT has become the most popular artificial intelligence (AI) tool, as well as the topic of tea after dinner after the release of Chat_intro> Chat robot. It is worth noting that such generating artificial intelligence (General AI) has stimulated the competition between technology companies and great powers in the AI field, may also create false information that threatens the harmony of society, and it is used by those who do not have good intentions to launch an information war. Governments of various countries have begun to pay attention to how to control this new technology without stifling the generation AI seedlings.In addition to cheering for the rapids of AI technology, people should also think deeply about the long -term impact behind them.

U.S. non -profit institutions Openai released the generatory AI model ChatGPT at the end of November last year, which not only allows American technology companies to be fierce in the AI field, but also accelerate the competition in the United States and China -who can faster and better faster and better.AI commercialization.

Daniel Ives, managing director of Wedbush Securities, believes that OpenAI has solved the problem of AI development and Microsoft has acquired half of its equity. This series of market actions will speed up the United States and China.Domestic and international AI competitions.

In the past 10 years, almost all large technology companies have invested AI, but Microsoft injected 10 billion US dollars (about S $ 13.5 billion) on Openai, and combined ChatGPT into its search engine Bing and browser Edge., Make another AI leader Yang Gu.

Microsoft president Nadella announced in early February that ChatGPT was embedded in its products, "it is a new day in the search engine field ... the competition starts today."

Market analysts said that in addition to search engines and browsers, Microsoft can also combine ChatGPT to office software (Office Suite), game platforms, etc. to provide users with a better experience.In addition, Microsoft is discussing how to advertise in the embedded ChatGPT.

Microsoft announced on February 28 that the Windows 11 update was launched to install the new version of the ChatGPT Bing Bing for users.

ChatGPT has triggered the use and discussion of the discussion, and Google is worried that its search engine market share and advertising revenue will be affected.According to the statistics of the website information analysis company StatCounter, as of January 2023, Google's market share in the global search engine market was 93 %, and Microsoft must be 3 %.

Google released its chat robot Bard in early February.However, BARD did not fight for it. The first trial gave the facts that there were facts and errors, which led to a decline in Google's stock price.

ChatGPT not only threatened Google, but also made Chinese technology companies feel pressure.

Following Google, Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, Netease and Jingdong have announced the testing and launching plans similar to the ChatGPT service.

Baidu sent a message on February 6 that hoping to complete the internal test of the chat robot "Ernie Bot" in March and recently released this service to the public.It has been reported that more than 400 companies in the Internet, media, finance, insurance, automobiles, enterprise software and other industries have announced their joining Wenxin's ecosystem.

Scholars: Sino -US has made major progress in the AI field

A statistics from Stanford University show that China has produced one -third of the world's academic papers and citations related to AI, raising one -fifth of the world's private capital for the development of AI.

Pang Yan, an associate professor of the Department of Analysis and Operation of the National University of Singapore, Pang Yan, an associate professor of the Department of Business and Operation of the Business Big Data Analysis Center, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that as far as the overall AI field, the United States and China have made significant progress, including generatory AI.In terms of generating AI, the United States is indeed a leader, and it has also created many cutting-edge content generating AI tools, such as ChatGPT in text and Dall-E2 in images.

Pang Yan believes that although China's AI field has developed rapidly in the past 10 years, such as AI applications such as AI has reached the world's leading world, "China's competitiveness in the overall AI field has a large gap with the United States; especially for the United States; especiallyIn terms of basic research and hardware, China lacks competitiveness and is a key bottleneck restricting China's AI development. "

The U.S. government has long been concerned about China's efforts to develop AI. It has developed extensive restrictions on China's development and transactions in the fields of AI and 5G in various aspects in the fields of AI and 5G, including last year.

In addition, Reuters reported in early February that the Bayeng government may implement new policies this year, directly banning American companies from investing in some Chinese technology companies, and strengthening investment review of other US companies.

The worry of the United States makes sense.A survey issued by the University of George Dun in February showed that from 2015 to 2021, 167 investors in the United States invested $ 40.2 billion in Chinese AI companies, accounting for about 37 % of Chinese AI companies' foreign fundraising.

The United States is worried that the investment of US companies in the development of Chinese AI will eventually go back to fight back to the United States.

Manoj Harjani, a researcher at the Nanyang University of Technology Rajerenan International Research Institute, pointed out in the Morning Post that AI must use a special chip, and China still relies heavily on foreign suppliers.Export control implemented in October last year, especially for chips that can be used to train large -scale AI systems.

But he believes that no country can completely control AI technology."AI technology is too global. In some parts of some specific applications or supply chains, a country (including other countries other than China and the United States) may have an advantage, but this does not mean completely control." Pang Yan believes that in the short term, the United States' measures for Chinese chip manufacturing capabilities will definitely have a huge negative impact on China's AI development.However, "in the long run, the United States' target that may promote China to develop its own AI ecosystem ... If the world has two AI ecosystems due to the United States, this will be unfavorable to the optimization of global resources and eventually damage the entire industry."Essence

Learning online information but no verification mechanism generate AI or is used to launch information wars

ChatGPT is good at chatting with people, causing widespread attention and discussion, including discussions on AI ethics.Teachers found that students might use it to do their homework. The writer was threatened because it could create. Many people realized that it might replace their work and cause unemployment.

In particular, the generative AI may fabricate prejudices such as skin tone, class and sexual orientation, because it learns online information and automatically generates internalRong, and the Internet is full of prejudice, errors and immorality.

Chat robots do not have the principles of moral ethics, nor do they have a factual verification mechanism. In the process of answering the question, they may spread error information, form an echo room effect, and cause social and regulatory issues.Governments of various countries have begun to worry that the generation AI will be used to launch information wars.

Some users say that Bing Chat Robot responds abnormal, emotional and even threatening some of their inquiries. For example, it calls a user a "bad researcher" and a journalist "marriage is unhappy".EssenceMicrosoft responded that this was actually the tone of the netizens who chatted by chat robots to imitate it.

The technology news website CNET wrote 77 financial consulting articles in November last year, and found 41 errors afterwards for a after -after inspection.

Steve Wozniak, co -founder of Apple, the head of the human brain and computer, admits that ChatGPT has impressed him very deeply."The trouble is that although it can do good things for humans, it will make terrible mistakes because they don't know what human nature is."

Huang Renxun, known as the "AI Godfather", believes that the vigorous development of the AI field will create powerful tools. These tools need legal supervision and social norms, which still need to be resolved.

He said: "Take a step back, think about everything in life, convenient, favorable, good for society, and there may be some potential harm."

Nvidia, founded and in charge of Huang Renxun, is one of the most important AI chip design companies in the world. Microsoft's supercomputer for OpenAI uses Nvidia chips.

The EU had drafted the "Artificial Intelligence Act" as early as April 2021, but has not yet been approved in the European Parliament.European councilors cannot consensus on how to balance the basic rights such as protecting privacy and democratic participation, and encourage AI innovation and investment to obtain consensus.

The United States has also begun to have Congress Congress call for the establishment of federal agencies to regulate AI.

ChatGPT and other chat robots' error dialogues have obviously made Chinese officials wary.According to Asia reports, China ’s regulatory official has ordered local science and technology companies not to provide users with ChatGPT services. Before launching a ChatGPT chat robot, it is necessary to report to the official official report.

When the Minister of Science and Technology of China talked about ChatGPT on February 24, it showed the position of the Chinese government.He said: "After China's new technologies, including AI technology, have taken some corresponding measures in terms of ethics to avoid harm to the development of science and technology, and make benefits better."

ChatGPT "Small and Snow Smart" passed the legal medical examination and also helped the judge to write a verdict

Generating AI is a computer program that can create new content such as audio, coding, image, text, simulation and video. It is a type of machine learning (Machine Learning), and machine learning is a type of AI.

Openai's ChatGPT is initially trained in large text databases, and then can generate text similar to natural language according to the user's question.In addition to chatting, it can also create, such as computer codes, the papers, poetry, jokes of college students, etc., which makes people discover the endless use of wonderful use. It also finds that it may replace many jobs.

Columbia has already used ChatGPT to write verdicts.The Argentine government uses AI supervision and anti -inflation with machine learning capabilities.Some researchers in the United States asked ChatGPT to take the medical department and the law department.ChatGPT also obtained B- at the Master of Business Administration (MBA) exam at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.

A researcher of the Nanda Rajiele South International Research Institute, Manoj Harjani, said in an interview that it would take a while to understand the actual impact of ChatGPT on economic development, especially productivity.He said: "At present, it is still a trial tool, not a large -scale" reserved "solution. Although some people or companies have tried to use it, sometimes the results of good or bad ginseng will occur."

Scholars: huge potential AI technology can promote economic growth

Pang Yan, an associate professor of the Department of Analysis and Operation of the National University of Commerce, Pang Yan, the joint director of the Business Big Data Analysis Center, is optimistic about the huge potential of AI, and can promote economic growth in various ways.

He said: "AI technology can improve the efficiency, productivity and innovation capabilities of different industries, thereby saving costs and creating new income opportunities. For example, AI can be used to optimize supply chain management, improve customer service, and formulate personalized marketing strategies, Reduce the risk of financial fraud. Ai can also promote the development of new products and services, create new markets and promote economic growth. As AI technology continues to advance, new industries may occur, such as autonomous cars, personalized medical care, andSmart City, etc. "