"H3", the main rocket of the newly developed in Japan, failed.Rocket development is frequently frustrated, and Japan's space development plans and space strategies will be affected.

H3 Rockets launched a launch of an artificial satellite for observing the ground from the seed island cosmic center of Kagoshima Prefecture on Tuesday (March 7) at 10.37 am (Singapore 9:37 am).

At first, everything was normal. Unexpectedly, at 10:51, the Japanese Universe Airlines Research and Development Agency (JAXA) issued a "destroy" instruction to the Rockets, and the first flight announced that it failed.

The rocket's self -destructive body and the wreckage of satellites fell outside the waters outside the eastern Philippines.

The chairman of the JAXA institution, Shanchuan Hong, said at the press conference later: "If you fail to complete the task, let go of public expectations, I apologize. H3 is a rocket that is very important to the government and the people. We will be committed to finding out failure.The reason for the reason is to continue. "

H3 is the follow -up model of H2A. It was jointly developed by JAXA and Mitsubishi Heavy Industry in 2014. The R & D fee reached 200 billion yen (about S $ 1.98 billion).It uses liquid fuel, about 63 meters high, about 10 meters longer than H2A; the biggest feature is the low launch and manufacturing cost, which is regarded as the future star of the Japanese space industry.

Yomiuri News revealed that one of the goals of this development plan is to minimize costs, such as making full use of 3D printing in assembly parts; its launch costs are also far lower than H2A, from about 10 billion yen each time dropped by about 10 billion yen.To about 5 billion yen.

H3 plan is a wave of twists and turns

However, the H3 plan is twists and turns.The initial testing plan was set in 2020, and then failed due to related experiments, and the test shot repeatedly extended.After the final test was completed at the end of 2022, it was scheduled to make a premiere on February 17 this year. However, it was abnormal when preparing to ignite, and the test shot was blown.This time, it was finally lifted but must be destroyed. Experts judged that the secondary engine could not be ignited.

H3 failed to fly, and whether the Japanese space plan in Japan will be affected and watched.Former Education and Science Deputy Minister Keyan said in an interview with the Japanese Broadcasting Association NHK and said: "I think it will have a certain impact."

The Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong introduced the Basic Planning of the Universe at the end of 2021 to clarify the national cosmic strategic goal. In the second half of the 2020s, the Japanese astronauts landed on the moon.The framework is combined.

Japan Economic News pointed out that the official development of the H3 Rockets is also to help the United States in terms of detecting the moon and Mars.

Japan's main force rocket is difficult to produce. In October last year, the small Rockets Aipuslon failed to launch, which will inevitably affect the prospects of space development and space strategy in Japan.