A consultant to Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishida Sakaya said that those who must go through the process of disappearing Japan will be the biggest victims."This is like a terrible disease for our descendants."

(Tokyo Composite Electric) Sakayako Moriko, a consultant of Japanese Prime Minister Kishida, said that if it cannot slow down the rate of decline in Japan's birth rate, Japan will no longer exist.

The number of deaths last year was twice the newborn

Moriko Moriko, who provided Kishida Wenxiong in terms of population birth rate, said in an interview in Tokyo that Japan's birth rate "did not gradually decline, but declined straight."She warned: "If we continue like this, this country will disappear."

The latest data released by the Ministry of Health and Labor on February 28 showed that the birth rate of Japan's population last year fell to a record low and fell below 800,000 for the first time.In the same year, the total number of deaths in Japan was 1.582 million, which was also innovative.The aging social crisis in Japan has intensified.

Moriko, who was the minister and is now a member of the House of Lords, said: "Those who must go through the process of Japan's disappearance will be the biggest victims. This is like a terrible disease for our children and grandchildren."

Japan's death last year was about twice the newborn.Moriko said: "This means that the children born now will face a society that distort, shrink, and lose its operating ability in the future."

She warns that if no action is adopted now, the Japanese social security system will collapse, industrial and economic strength will decline, and the Self -Defense Forces will not have enough recruits to protect their country.

Moriya acknowledged that because the number of women of childbearing age declines, it is very difficult to reverse the decline in birth rate, but the government must do its best to slow down the speed of the decline in birth rate and help reduce the damage caused by the low birth rate.

From the 1980s, the total fertility rate of Japan has been far lower than the population substitution rate (that is, the average of 2.1 children per woman can ensure the general population), and only 1.3 by 2021.

The population of the World Ridge has a decrease in population.

Kishida vowed to double the expenditure for children and families to slow down the rate of decline in birth rate.Kishida has not announced his new expenditure plan, but he pointed out that the new plan is different from the past policies. "It will focus on different levels" and mention increasing children's allowance, improvement of childcare services, and changing working methods.

Critics believe that smashing money from children with children is not enough to solve the problem.A document of the Government Gender Equality Group states that Japan needs to carry out comprehensive reforms, including reducing the burden of women to raise children and making them easier to return to social work after childbirth.

On the other hand, the famous world -heritage attraction in Gifu Prefecture, Japan (administrative name Baichuan Village) Hegang Village, Japan, has always adhered to the three principles of "not renting" in order to protect the traditional landscape, but now face the populationReduce the crisis and intentionally modify and standardize the opening of outsiders.

Yomiuri News reported that Shibaichuan Village ’s Yumachi area intentionally amended the prohibition of rental housing regulations and accepted outsiders' migration.

Residents of Sakachi regional residents established the Natural Environmental Environment Guardian Meeting of the Nagasachi Village in 1971, and proposed the three principles of "not resale, not leased, not destroyed", and then relying on the relationship between fellow villagers and blood to continue to protect each household in the area.The rental houses were prohibited from the fact that the rental houses were originally protected by the traditional landscape, but facing the decrease in population and the increase in residents with uneasy future, only to change the original idea of persistence.

At present, more than 500 of the about 500 people in the area of Shibaichuan Village, more than 30 % of the elders over 65 years old, even the total population of the entire Baichuan Village is only about 1,500, which is about 80 compared to the peak of 1960.%.