Senior representative of EU diplomacy and security policy Berrely said that after a brief conversation between US Secretary of State Brosky and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, he observed that Lavrov's attitude has changed slightly.That is, when representatives of other countries criticized Russia, Lavrov did not leave the field."At least this time he stays, he is listening. This is a small but important change ... I think this is better than not."

(Sydney / Washington Composite Electric) On the one hand, Western countries continue to pressure China not to provide weapons for Russia, on the other hand, they will continue to provide more military assistance and training for Ukraine, showing their determination to support U -Russia's aggression.

Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian said on Friday (March 3) that she met with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang during the meeting of the G20 (G20) Foreign Minister at the G20, showing that all countries hope to see China "doing the right thing" in China., Not providing weapons to Russia."This is not only the requirements of Australia, but also the requirements of all countries."

Huang Yingxian pointed out that on the Ukrainian issue, due to the close relationship with Moscow, the world expects China to play a leading role in responsible.

In the past few days, the United States has repeatedly warned China not to provide fatal weapons assistance to Russia, and Germany and France have also urged China to act with caution.Beijing strongly denied this accusation.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe said on Thursday that there is no sign of so far that China has decided to provide weapons for Russia, but this possibility still exists."This is not in line with the best interests of China and China. We know that China attaches great importance to these. We have conveyed our concerns to China."

For the U.S. Secretary of State Brillin and Qin Gang during the G20 meeting, U.S. State Council spokesman Price explained at a routine press conference on Thursday that Blindken February in FebruaryWang Yi, director of the committee office, met.He expects the two countries to have more conversations and contacts next.

Senior representative of the European Union Foreign and Security Policy Burley said in a forum in New Delhi on Friday that Brinton and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov had a brief conversation on Thursday.When representatives of other countries criticized Russia, Lavrov did not leave.

Berrely said, "At least this time he stays, he is listening. This is a small but important change ... I think this is better than nothing."

The US -Russian Foreign Minister's conversation was less than 10 minutes, which was the first conversation since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War.Brinken stated that the United States would firmly support Ukraine for a long time, hoping that Russia would change its decision to strive for lasting peace.Lavrov did not mention the meeting at all. The Russian media said that the two were just "talking while talking", not negotiating or meeting.

The United States announced that it will provide Ukraine with a US $ 400 million military aid

In addition, U.S. officials said that the United States announced on Friday that it would provide another $ 400 million (about 540 million yuan) of a new round of military assistance to Ukraine, including providing military reserve such as guiding multi -tube rocket system ammunition.

Since the outbreak of the war, the United States has provided Ukraine with nearly $ 32 billion in military aid.

The US base in the United States is a desktop exercise for war planning for Ukrainian officers in the U.S. base in Wesbaden in Germany to assist them in responding to different war scenarios.Germany also trained Ukraine soldiers to use advanced air defense systems.

Russia has recently accused the West of its direct participation in attacking the Russian strategic Air Force base. The Pentagon refutes the "nonsense" and clarifies the information that has not provided Ukraine with the goals in Russia.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Riabkov means that Russia has been forced to suspend the performance of the New Start (New Start) because the United States helps Ukraine to attack Russia.

Russian President Putin also pointed out that the Ukraine forces launched a terrorist attack on Bryansk, Bryansk, which borders southern Russia and Ukraine.