(New York / Kiev Composite Electric) UN Secretary -General Gutres warned that he was worried that the Russian and Ukraine War would be upgraded further, which may lead to a wider wars worldwide.

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24 last year, and the outbreak of the war is about to reach one year.Gutres said on Monday (February 6) at the United Nations General Assembly in New York that top scientists and security experts have allocated the "DoomsDay Clock" pointer last month for 10 seconds.In 90 seconds, he regarded this as a warning.

He said: "The prospects of peace are increasingly slim, the possibility of intensified situations and more bleeding incidents has continued to increase."

The current Russia and Ukraine War has attracted the most attention.Getres said he was worried that the war would expand unknowingly and evolved into a wider war.

He said that peace in other regions was also threatened, from the Baza conflict to Afghanistan, Myanmar and Haiti.He called on each country to fulfill its commitment to the UN Charter, attach importance to human rights and prevent conflicts, thereby ensuring peace.

Ukraine forecast will launch a large -scale offensive by the Russian army on February 24

In terms of battle, Ukraine is expected to launch a large -scale offensive against Ukraine near February 24.

Governor Gaidai, Governor of Wudong Lu Gande, pointed out in an interview with Ukraine TV that the Russian army is deploying a large number of reinforcements and arms to the Wudong region to prepare a new round of offensive next week.

Gai Dai said: "They have changed the way now, no longer as all -weather shells as before, but slowly reserve ammunition to prepare for a comprehensive attack. They may take 10 days to complete the deployment.After the 15th, you may attack at any time. "

A new round of offensive of the Russian army or launched from east or south of Ukraine

Ukrainian Minister of Defense Lezonikov said last weekend that intelligence shows that the Russian army is likely to launch a new round of offensive from the east or south.

He said: "The Russian disk is considered to expand its land corridor to Crimea to continue to supply their troops. Therefore, our main risks are in the east, south, and then north." Moscow in 2014Intross Crimea.

Analysis believes that Ukraine is no longer progressing as in the second half of last year, while Russia mobilized hundreds of thousands of preparatory forces to prepare for a big offense, all of which indicate that the war is coming to a key point.

The New York Times reported that the Ukraine Army said on Monday that the Russian army was dividing hundreds of thousands of new mobilized soldiers into a group to combat Ukrainian defense lines at the front line of Ukong, which was under great pressure on the Ukraine.

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Army said in the daily battle report that the Russian army fired more than 20 towns and villages around Bakhmut.Bachmut has become the focus of Russia to seize Wudong.

Lieutenant Kennon, a Ukrainian officer in Bachurut, said that the Russian army continued to attack with "unprecedented power". Nevertheless, the Russian army's progress was limited.The Ukraine still controls a fast road to allow the supply to continue to reach Bachmut.

In the past few months, the two sides have continued to fight in the eastern region. In Europe and the United States, it estimates that Russia has not made any major progress, and the eastern front has basically remained unchanged.