(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. companies urged the Bayeng government to cancel Trump's tariffs imposed on Chinese imported products.

The Office of the US Trade Representative has previously invited up to 1,500 companies to make opinions on these tariffs.The opinions of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday (January 17) publicly urged the government to reduce tariffs before the end of the consultation, and believed that these tariffs "weakened the competitiveness of the United States and brought unnecessary economic difficulties to American companies, workers and families."

The Council of Information Technology Industry pointed out that these tariffs cannot offset the unfair trade policy and practices of the Chinese government, which has caused corporate costs to rise.

Most of the small business owners say that tariffs have pushed up operating costs, and only a few small business owners support the retaining tariffs."I have always tried to bear the additional cost of raw materials, but this has become increasingly difficult to open the furniture modification factory in Massachusetts."

Former President Trump's appointment in China ’s imports from China, about 350 billion U.S. dollars (about S $ 462.6 billion) in China during his tenure. After four years of implementation of these tariffs, it was originally expired in 2022, but tradeOn behalf of the office requests to analyze their effectiveness through so -called necessity censorship, so that tariffs have been maintained to this day.

Bloomberg analyzed that there were almost no signs that the White House tended to significantly reduce tariffs.President Biden uses these tariffs as a bargaining chip with China.