(Zurich Comprehensive News) China Vice Premier Liu He and US Finance Minister Yellen on Wednesday (January 18) held face -to -face talks in Zurich, Switzerland.communicate.The U.S. Treasury also announced that Yellen will visit China soon.

Complex Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that since Yellen has served as US Treasury Secretary, he has conducted talks with Liu He three times through videos.The two had the first face -to -face closed -door talks in Zurich on Wednesday for two and a half hours.

The statement issued by the US Treasury later described the talks of the two people's talks "frank, substantial and constructive."The two parties agreed to strengthen climate change and economic affairs within the basis of bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation organizations in the United Nations and 20th National Groups and Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organizations.

Yellen told the media after the two people's closed -door talks: "We have common responsibilities to prove that China and the United States can control each other's differences and prevent competition from becoming conflict. Although we have differences, we will directly convey.Misunderstanding should not be allowed, especially those misunderstandings caused by lack of communication, and unnecessary worsening our bilateral economic and financial relations. "

marks a small step ahead of the Sino -US relations after a meeting of Sino -US relations

Liu He said based on the prepared speech: "We do face difficulties, but as the official Chinese chairman said, we only have one earth, and the method is always more difficult than difficulties. We must always focus on the overall situation and try to try.Correctly control the differences and seek consensus. "He also said that China and the United States need to" seriously communicate "and coordinate on issues such as climate change and economy.

Two -Wednespic talks are the efforts that the two major economies of the world's two major economies seek to recover from contact.Although the relationship between the two countries has slowed in recent months, the two parties have recently been in some topics, such as trade policies, debt exemption, chip restrictions, and Taiwan and Ukraine.

According to the US Ministry of Finance's statement, Yellen also told Liu He that she was looking forward to visiting China in the near future and welcoming her Chinese counterparts to visit the United States.This news is that Following US officials confirmed that Secretary of State Broskens will visit China from February 5th to 6th, and meet with the new foreign minister Qin Gang in China.Blint is expected to promote the recovery of bilateral high -level contacts, including military dialogue.

On the increasingly fierce competition between China and the United States, US President Biden and Chinese officials held their first face -to -face meeting in Bali, Indonesia last November.At that time, the leaders of the two countries promised to strengthen communication and restored some dialogue mechanisms and cooperation projects.

Bloomberg commented that the meeting of Yellen and Liu He is expected to not resolve the key issues of the two countries.With the release of China's new leadership team, Liu He is expected to unload the position of deputy prime minister within a few months, and any harmonious relationship between the two in the meeting will also be short -lived.However, the meeting of the two marked a small step again after Sino -US relations followed the meeting.

We do face difficulties, but as the official chairman of China said, we only have one earth, and methods are always more difficult than difficulties.We must always focus on the overall situation, try to control the differences correctly, and seek consensus.

—— Chinese Vice Premier Liu He