(New York Composite Electric) According to a number of media reports such as Bloomberg, major US technology companies will continue to lay off layoffs, and the recruitment boom in the technology industry in the period of crown disease may be retreated.

Affected by the macroeconomic situation, the global technology industry has been repeatedly impacted.Data show that in the first 18 days of this year alone, the technology industry has laid off more than 20,000 people.Microsoft announced its layoffs on Wednesday (January 18).Coincidentally, Amazon has also lay off 18,000 people.

It is reported that another industry giant social media company Twitter or will dismiss 50 employees in the next few weeks, mainly affecting the product business department.

In the past three years, the global crown disease has been raging, and the online orders of software, mobile phones, computers and other products have skyrocketed, bringing huge business opportunities to the technology industry, thereby creating a large number of manpower needs.Today, major companies in the technology industry have frequently lay off layoffs, indicating that the industry is facing continuous dilemma, and the prosperity of the epidemic period is no longer.

Microsoft and Amazon said that in order to cope with the slowdown of growth and possible decline, it is necessary to take difficult measures.Amazon's retail business representative said that the company must cut costs to better control the quality and price of product to meet consumer preferences.

Microsoft President Nadella said at the Davos World Economic Forum that the current technology industry is undergoing the stage of "normal demand", so "requires adjustment strategies".

According to analysis, Microsoft will make big bets in artificial intelligence to promote the next wave of growth.Systems such as artificial intelligence products and cloud services, such as Azure and Office, will become the focus of Microsoft's future development.Although technical engineering and game departments have laid off a large -scale layoff, Microsoft will continue to open the recruitment of key competitive business departments.

Facing the panic and uncertainty brought by the company's layoffs, what should employees do?Some experts suggest that "planning for the worst" should be directly asked if employees may directly ask their superiors for layoffs, show their value created for the company, and show their strong willingness to continue working.

Some experts have proposed that it is also wise to find new job opportunities in time. It should actively use the resources provided by their interpersonal relationships and pave the way for the next step of occupation.