(Berlin / Kiev Composite Electric) NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg said that Ukraine is expected to receive more weapons provided by Western countries in the near future to resist the Russian aggression.

Stoltenberg Sunday (January 15) was interviewed in an interview with the German Business Daily (HandelsBlatt) revealed that the Russian war has entered a critical stage and provided the weapons needed for Ukraine to win the weapon."I expect more promises in the near future."

Ukraine has always asked to provide large weapons and equipment, including the main war tank, but Western countries have been reluctant to do so because they are worried about being involved in war or irritating Russia.But earlier this month, Britain, France, Germany and the United States have promised to provide tanks and infantry chariots to Ukraine.

Stoltenberg said that Russian President Putin overestimated the strength of the Russian army and allowed the West to see their mistakes, leadership problems, and backward equipment, but Russia "showed them that they were ready to achieve military goals and suffered.huge loss".

Putin was interviewed by Russian media on Sunday that Russia has made positive progress in special military operations in Ukraine, and everything has developed in accordance with the planning of the Ministry of National Defense and the General Staff.

Putin: Stable in Russia's economic situation

Putin also said that the Russian economic situation is stable and far better than expected. The unemployment rate is new low, inflation is lower than expected, and shows a downward trend.He expects that the inflation rate in the first quarter of this year may fall from the current 11.9 % to a level of nearly 5 %.He also said that Russia's industrial production, agriculture, and construction industries are also rising.

White Room launched a joint air force exercise with Russia on Monday, causing concerns that Moscow might use Beros to launch a new ground offensive to Ukraine.

Minsk said that this time it was a defense military exercise.The White Rose Department of Defense said the Russian Air Force had arrived in Beloos.The statement said: "During the tactical flight exercise, all airports and training grounds of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Beros will participate."

Ukraine has warned Berlos to launch an attack. President Ukradiski said last week that Ukraine must be prepared at the border area bordering Blacus.

The Kremlin denied pressure on President Luchenko in President of Pakistar, demanding that White Ross play a more active role in the Ukraine conflict.Minsk has said that he will not participate in the war.

The Russian army attacked a apartment building in a apartment building in the southern part of Diebero last Saturday to 40, including two children.Another 39 were rescued and 75 were injured.Dieberlo Peter Rovesk Governor Liez Niqinko said in social media that the other 35 residents in the building had no life and death, and rescuers were still looking for survivors.Earlier, the Urpical Army said that the Russian army launched three air strikes on the same day, fired more than 120 missiles and rockets, and 26 rockets were intercepted by the Ukraine.

German defense ministers resigned due to disappointment

In addition, the German Defense Minister Langbrecht announced his resignation on Monday, and Prime Minister Tsutz had accepted his resignation.This incident was a blow to the Souls government supporting Ukraine against Russia.As a result of Landbrahit's disappointment and lack of military plans in response to the Russia -Ukraine War, he was repeatedly asked to resign.

Shuorz must appoint new defense ministers as soon as possible, because senior defense officials of the allies will hold a meeting at the US Air Force Base in Ram Tetin, Germany on Friday.Before the meeting, the government will make a decision to deliver the tank in Ukraine.