(Bloomberg, New York) The trade between the United States and China is expected to reach a new high, showing that although the United States has frequently published China's threat theory and the outside world may be worried about the decoustration of the Sino -US economy, these two world's largest economiesThe economic links are still strong.

The official data of the United States as of November foreshadows that by the final report on February 7, the sum of import and export between China and the United States in 2022 will reach a record high, or at least very close to breaking records.Beijing has just released its annual data, showing a record of Sino -US trade volume, reaching approximately $ 760 billion (about S $ 1 trillion).

However, it is worth noting that due to the cooling demand in the United States and the problems caused by the prevention and control of the epidemic in China, bilateral trade has slowed down at the end of last year. In addition, trade data has not been adjusted according to inflation. ThisIt means that higher trade amounts may not be transformed into larger shipments.

Nevertheless, when the two parties in the United States have unanimously advocated toughness to China, such trade numbers are still amazing.These data show that even if the United States is trying to prevent China from getting on, China is trying to compete with the global influence of the United States, and the extent that these two economies are intertwined.

Recently, the relationship between the two countries has appeared in some positive signs, including the first face -to -face meeting in the Sino -US summit for the first time in November, and the US Secretary of State's visit to China this year, but the differences between the two countries are unlikely to solve it easily, such as the Taiwan Strait and the South.The China Sea issue, as well as the United States to prevent China from obtaining key semiconductor technology.

The senior researcher of the Foreign Policy of the Brookings Society in the United States believes that while China and the United States fight for scientific and technological warfare, they can still maintain a very stable trade relationship."Based on economic benefits, this is what companies want, which allows them to provide consumers with goods and services."

China is also likely to have similar calculations, because its economic growth is export -oriented, and this is the key to improving national living standards and maintaining stability.

The above shows why there are Trump and the Biden government's operational tariffs, and bilateral trade is still booming.

As for the dispute between technical hegemony, Bernus, a partner of the private equity and venture capital company focusing on the semiconductor industry, said that this may not cause greater trade cracks, because the two countries have different goals.; The United States seeks technical leadership, and China wants technical autonomy.

In recent years, the impact of increasing political tensions on fixed capital may be greater than the impact on trade.

The new investment in China has slowed down.In response, Haneman, who is responsible for tracking direct investment in China and the United States, said that the industry is worried about China's growth prospects and the geographical situation of geopolitical situations.However, many companies around the world still choose to continue to operate in China after measuring risks and returns.

Huaen, a senior analyst at the US think tank Eurasian Group, said that although the decoustal tongue disputes are boiling, China and the United States will find that "even if it is not impossible, it is difficult for them to completely cut off each other's economic connection."